
Friday, February 5, 2010

Valentine Babies?

February is here with all its fun and romance (what in the world happened to January! ) February has always been one of my favorite months, I think because Valentines has always been one of my favorite Holidays, and brings with it some of my happiest memories of parties with my children and their friends when they were growing up. This February I am happy to find myself in Ohio with my daughters. I get to enjoy my delightful little Grandson Zane as we all await the arrival of Benjamin and Elizabeth's baby. Elizabeth is doing a home birth and its very exciting to be here and be a part of it. I have gotten to visit with Elizabeth's midwife, "Patty" , and I just love her. I wish we had a "Patty" in our neck of the woods of Colorado; She is full of wisdom and knowledge of how the body works and how to care for it, and she really is a delight to be with. Marie used Patty when Zane was born, and we were just discussing how we would get to see Patty any more after the baby was born. Marie thought maybe she could get pregnant again. Ha.

The snow is falling hard outside and Elizabeth's due date is here; We all jump when she makes a noise thinking she is having a labor pain ;) I have been busy, cooking and sewing and chatting with my girls. Several pots of tea have been drunk, "Return to Cranford" and "Emma" have been watched, Hobby Lobby has been visited twice, and we are all hoping this fun cycle will go on forever! (Well, sorta). Benjamin and Steve will be heading out here as soon as the announcement has been made that the baby is coming :) I hope to have several pictures to upload in the next day or so. Happy February to all! :)


  1. Sounds like you are all having a wonderful.. suspensful time up there in Ohio. I know Elizabeth and Marie are tickled pink to have you with them. What a blessing to have Patty. My prayers are with you all in this Elizabeth's "time". Love ya.

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