
Monday, March 8, 2010

Good Bye Russ

Russ and Coach Kraus

Russ with family and friends 

Russ left for Navy boot camp today.  We miss him already this evening and feel a blank space where he has filled our home with his goodness, and helpfulness, sense of humor and fun. We had a going away party for him yesterday afternoon, with friends and family coming and going from 3:00 until 9:00.  He was sent off with an amazing prayer time (with about 12  of us) last night, and plenty of love and last minute advice;  We Miss you Russ, and we'll be praying for you!


  1. Oh mom this makes me cry :( This is so sad. I love all the pictures. I just love the cake! That is so cool!
    Love you
    ~ Marie

  2. Seeing these pictures warmed my heart! Thanks for posting Mom! Love and miss you all SO MUCH........

  3. I can't believe how long it has been. When we met Russ he seemed so little, and now he is gone. Wow! Time flies. I sure miss seeing you Pam, you are amazing. I hope all well and enjoy reading about your creativity. Keep it flowing, it is a gift from the Lord. We love you.

  4. Marie and Elizabeth, thanks so much for checking in, it blesses me so much to "feel" you here. I love you.

    Thank you so much for the the sweet, comment. You and your precious family bless Steve and I so much. I told the girls what a delight all your kids were the last time we saw them in January. Keep up the great work.
    It is amazing to me that Russ's time has gone so quickly. We have been so thankful for the time we have had with him. He's a great young man. Give our love to the family.
    Love you,
