
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Light in the Darkness Part Two: Joy in the Ordinary

"Joy in the Ordinary" has been something Lord has cultivated in me over the years, and He often reminds me; "He is not in the wind, or the fire, or the earthquake but in the "still small voice".  His presence is sweet; it strengthens us, but we usually find it in those quiet days, in those ordinary moments, when we pause and take stock of all that we have and worship Him in gratitude  for those everyday ordinary blessings.  The old expression "count your blessings" is good advice, for in taking stock of every sweet thing we have been given, we find that "abundance" is in our very midst,and are overwhelmed by His goodness.  I think if we fail to do this, we most likely are missing out on some of the most wonderful miracles the Lord has ever given us.


  1. So lovely and encouraging Mom! Love you ;)

  2. Oh, this was so good, and is so important to remember. I love you!

  3. Hi Pam, I do believe the still small voice is the sweetest sound.
    I also try to count my blessings everyday. Miss Ya Roxy

  4. This is so true. Sometimes, at our worship time in the morning, I say to the kids, 'think of the blessings we've had - just this morning since we got up'. In this short time, the blessings are innumerable. They really are. I totally agree that it's in the 'ordinary' things that God makes Himself known so often. They are then NOT ordinary - nothing that comes from our loving, Heavenly Father is 'ordinary'.
    There is nothing 'ordinary' about Him.
    Thanks for posting this.
    Love, Anne x

  5. I LOVE the new background Mom! Perfect for spring :)

  6. Thanks for the comments sweeties. You girls are truly some of my favorite blessings that I count every single day. Roxy you too. Anne, thank you so much for the lovely comment, I love the image of you and your children worshipping the Lord every morning those are truly blessed portions of life that will forever remain. Elizabeth, yes, I finally got around to figuring out how to change my background I may still change it again, if get the time; we'll see.
    Love to all
