
Friday, May 28, 2010

Graduation Plans/Potato Party

Olga requested a "Potato Party" for her graduation party and what that means is "as many potato dishes as possible",  plus all the toppings we can think of to go with it.  When  Olga, Russell and Eddie became a part of our family, "food" was our most traumatic experience.  The 3 kids were terrified of almost any food; even Russian food caused upset (the reasons why are a subject for another time)...but potatoes, ....they were in the safe zone, and even though their palettes have outgrown many of those fears by now, Potatoes are still a favorite.

Olga has often been heard to say "Potatoes are my life"  with her charming Russian accent.  So for our little Olechka who is now graduating from High School we are having; "Everything Potato" (well sort of) So here is the menu:

Potato Party Menu

Mashed Potatoes (Olga's favorite)
Potato Wedges (Olga's favorite)
Baked Potatoes (Olga's favorite)

Chili (Everbody else's favorite/not Olga's)
Ground Beef Stroganoff Gravy (Olga's favorite)
Chopped Ham (Olga's favorite)
Chopped Green Onion (Olga's favorite)
Shredded Cheddar Cheese (Everybody else's favorite)
Butter (a must for all)
Sour Cream (Everybody else's favorite)
Green Chilies (Everbody else's favorite)
Salsa (Everbody else's favorite)

Fresh Vegetable Platter

Fresh Strawberries
White Cake with Strawberry Filling (Olga's favorite)

Iced Tea with lemon

Here's the pictures/posted afterwards:
Note: Please disregard the date on these pictures; date on my camera is incorrect, and thus the dates do not correlate.   These pictures were taken 5/29/2010

We all had a great time... I think Olga was very pleased.   Check out that cute smile of hers.  Note the date on my pictures... 2 years off... what a crack up; I have a problem with getting my settings right on everything I think.    We also made a nice scrapbook board for Olga, didn't get a picture on this post...


  1. I loved the verse you posted and everything else Mom! And I am hoping you are still feeling better....

    You made me laugh out loud when I read your menu! It all sound delicious! I wish I could be there! Potatoes does the heart well :)

    I love you and can't wait to see the pictures!

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
    precious Olechka!! I laughed so hard when I read the menu!! Sounds like so much fun, how i wish i could be there with you all celebrating dear Olga's graduation!!

    I am so glad you are feeling better, it has been such a tough week for us all hasn't it!! I loved the verse as well.

  3. Thanks for the comments girls. I sure treasure them. Yes, it has been a tough week; and yet the Lord has been with us and blessed us hasn't he? Love you both so much.

  4. Dear Pam, I commented once, but received an error message, so I suppose it did not go through.
    Please forgive me, then, if you have already received my comment.

    I am in awe of your beautiful life that the Lord has so lovingly woven together. You have so much love to share as a wife, mother, and woman of God.

    Congratulations to your Olga on her graduation! I love the menu, and I know the party was surely perfect and memorable!

    God bless you and your husband for your servants' hearts. And, thank you for the sharing the beautiful scripture from 2 Corinthians. Truly, He is the God of all comfort.

    Many blessings,


  5. Andrea, thank you so much for your kind comment.
    I was delighted to have you visit. I have so enjoyed your blog and was so happy to have you visit mine.

    Many Blessings,

  6. This is odd, Pam. I commented on this post last week when I read it first, and now there's no sign of the comment. Anyway, I hope it all went well, and that you all enjoyed the 'tatties' (potatoes to all you non-Scots!)
    And Olga, I'm with you on this one - there just aint anything like potatoes - in any shape or form!
    Love, Anne x

  7. Anne,
    Loved the name "tatties". We also have a name similar
    around here; we often say "taters". They are indeed delicious by any name :)
    The party went great and we had a wonderful turn out and wonderful time. Thanks for the comments.
    Love Pam

  8. I love you and can't wait to see the pictures!
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