
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sick as a Dog

What a crazy week it has  been.  We have all been sick except Eddie.  Olga started off on Tuesday sick as a dog and had finals to boot, so couldn't miss any school. Then she had "Life Guard" training, so she can get a life guarding job this summer; no options to miss much of that.  Then I  got sick; feeling worse than I have in years.  There has been so much to do and no time to be sick. Eddie and I went on a field trip on Tuesday to the Sand Dunes (more on that later). We have had a mad rush to get Eddies school year wrapped up, so we worked on all the subjects we had left; We had visitors scheduled for Saturday, and worked hard cleaning out and cleaning up to get ready for them; Friday night there was the soccer awards banquet for Olga, I barely got through the last half of that and by Saturday I was no use at all.

So here I am in bed.  It is Sunday morning and I would rather be in Church, but can't seem to move, my body just aches everywhere.  Steve has had it some too.  He didn't get it quite as bad as Olga and I thank goodness.  I have been pumping Eddie with homeopathics in hopes of keeping him well... so far so good.

 It always feels weird to be sick when the sun is shining so nice and warm, and the birds are singing outside, and the garden is wanting to be planted. I  feel better today than yesterday, so all the things I ought to be doing are calling to me.  Yesterday, I didn't care what needed doing (aside from the fact that I didn't get to go Eddie's game which would determine whether he would be in the play offs (his team did win and they will play the finals next weekend). They all had a great time and went to Dairy Queen afterwards.  I like those kind of things).

So I am a little behind.  I didn't get my project done for "52 weeks of..." although I got it started....does that count?  This week will be just as crazy as last, although hopefully and thankfully, without a flu bug to knock us down.  We have Olga's graduation the end of the week and our celebration for her, along with all the many things that go along with High school graduation.  Afterwards we will be able to catch our breath again.  I imagine I can get my project done some where in between all these things, and am hopeful not to miss another week.  Until next time,  Blessings to all.


  1. I am so sorry you have all been sick!!! And what a week! Whew!! It made me tired just thinking of it! :)I hope hope hope you are feeling better now. I will call you tomorrow, (not too early :) and catch up!

    I love you SOOOO much!

    Tell Dad I love him TOOOOO :)

  2. Oh that sounds awful. Poor you.....hugs from over here (((...)))
    Anne x

  3. Thanks Elizabeth, and Anne. I am feeling almost back to snuff today. Got caught up on the house and by tomorrow I hope to be moving right along.
