
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fourth of July

As I begin this post, let me insert the suggestion that you check out "Homeschool on the Croft's" post on the Fourth of July.  It will really inspire and bless you.  She had such a nice celebration full of the wonderful ideas that she used for their Fourth of July, and she is a citizen of Scotland.  

With that said, here is the recap of our lovely day.  Pictured above, are my cheesecake cupcakes that I made into the Flag for the Fourth.  It is the only picture I took today with the exception of the one I took of  Steve and Olga playing ping pong.  We had a wonderful day and I was disappointed that I forgot my camera for the Parade we went to because that was my favorite part.

The Fourth of July Parade had a crazy uniqueness in that it was called a wet parade which means a whole lot of people with squirt guns, sooper soakers, hoses and more were armed and ready for a war with water.  Everyone got wet; innocent bystander or plotting warrior alike.  There were firemen in fire trucks with their hoses squirting everyone.  There were all kinds of creative floats and vehicles all armed with giant squirt guns.  Olga claimed she was "not" getting wet, but was the first among us to join in the water fight, second to  our friend Barry and his boys who were prepared with compressor powered water hoses.  Ha.  We had the dogs with us and they seem completely joyous that they were allowed to be a part of the ruckus.  Olga's new little puppy seemed quite at home among the crowds of people and water  going everywhere, and Toby Mack (our other little dog) didn't do too badly himself. 

We drove home wet and happy, ate lunch, took a nap and then got up and grilled our hamburgers.  I had made baked beans and potato casserole the day before so I baked those and cooked some corn on the cob.  Steve's Mom came over and some of the neighbors, and we sat around and talked, played ping pong and ate. We didn't have enough of us for a game of baseball; I was missing all the big kids and wishing for a big game like we had a few years ago when everyone was home; but we did play some cards out on the patio.  There was a wonderful cool breeze and the clouds were rolling in.  We never did get to see our fireworks on Pikes Peak....because of the clouds, but the Lord gave us a wonderful display of brilliance in the clouds with lightning that lit up the whole sky.   .  We didn't even do any of our own fireworks because it is just too dry out and forest fires are so easily started.  All in all it was a happy and memorable day for us all. 


  1. What a lovely day Mom! The parade sounded like a blast! What fun that the dogs got to go along as well! I bet everyone smelt of wet dog on the way home!! :)

    Your cup cake flag needs to be put in a magazine! They are beautiful! How did they taste!

    We bought some sparklers to enjoy on the patio, but we had huge fire works going off 200 feet away! So we couldn't bring the baby outside to see the sparklers, because of how loud the fireworks were! The cats were constantly hiding! LOL :)

    Benjamin is off today so it still feels like we are celebrating! :D


  2. Pam, what a display of God's power and strength in those clouds last night I really felt is was a sign and wonder for us to see him celebrate with us.
    We had a great time at the parade.
    All your work you do creating the sewing projects and baking, are amazing, but your amazing anyways!
    Love Roxy

  3. Sounds like a great day!!! How fun. I didn't know ya'll were back in Pueblo! Where are you living? Out in Beulah again?
    SOOO SOOO fun to read your posts!!!
    So much love,

  4. Oh wow Mom, those cupcake cheese cakes look so lovely. I completely agree with Elizabeth, they could easily be in a magazine.

    You 4th sounds like so much fun. I just love that you wrote it all out for us. It sure does help when we are so far away.

    I love you so much :)
    ~ Marie
