
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Birthday Season

The next several weeks, brings a string of birthdays.  Must be a pretty popular month for birthdays, because I have several friends who have a lot of family birthdays the next several weeks as well.  Elon, my grandson starts off the parade by turning 4 last Friday, then my son Luke, then my Son Nathan, then my son in law Benjamin, then my daughter in law Himilce..... I hope I am not forgetting an important family member in here. Three of them turn 30 this time around. That's a big land mark for them and me.  

Happy Birthday 
You Guys. 
 I love you all so much
 We can't seem to pull off that family get together yet, but I'm still brainstormin...

Elizabeth's Wedding was the last time we were all together (at least, almost all) at the same time, and I just happen to have a picture....

You can tell that this picture was not taken by the photographer, because half of the group is looking everywhere but at the camera.  From left to right top to bottom:  Luke, Marie, Steve, Me, Elizabeth, Benjamin, Kathy(step mom), Dad, Nathan, Russell, Himilce with baby Elon, Eddie, Jo(my mother in law), and Olga

Now Jon was not in the family picture above, because at that time, we did not have any inkling that Jon and Marie would end up married, but he was in the wedding party (being Benjamin's brother),  So it turned out nice that we got the whole family in these pictures, but didn't know it yet... here are all our boys from left to right: Russell,   Bobby (also Benjamin's brother), Luke, Benjamin, Jon, Nathan and Eddie...  look how little Eddie was then.... so cute.


  1. I love it how you have all of the family together at the wedding, and not knowing it!!! God has a since of humor!

  2. Awe this is so sweet Mom!! Love seeing this picture again.
    And yes I agree with Holly! God does have a lovely sense of humor :)

    Love you
    ~ Marie

  3. Dearest Pam...

    What a beautiful Family you have..I must stop by and Visit with Marie...Since Now I know she is your makes it even that more special...You have put a smile on my face and warmed my heart today...I posted about it so I hope you stop by...It's really the small things in life that matter the most..and you My Dear Friend have blessed me with a small thing today that means alot..I know it sounds funny but When you first popped up as a follower My heart was glad and at that moment you became so very special..May the Lord bless your day...and all the Wonderful upcoming Birthdays...
    In Christ

  4. What a delightfully delicious post Mom! And the comments above are too sweet! I loved looking at these pictures again. It makes me want to pull out our wedding album. Yes, this month is full of birthdays! Luckily they are all boys and that we can kind of prepare for all of them at once :)

    Love you so much!

    ~ Elizabeth

  5. It's so much fun to see these family photos; thanks for sharing them!! :)

  6. Uhhh- hold on a wee minute.Let me just get this right:
    Did the two sisters marry the two brothers?
    Am I being r-e-a-l-l-y dense in even having to ask this question. That has been known to being dense....!
    Love, Anne x

  7. I love wedding photos - and doesn't Elizabeth look beautiful! Isn't it funny how the babies are cousins twice over? And I suppose your daughters are not only sisters but sisters-in-law too!

    This month starts a run of birthdays in our family too. My father-in-law and I start it off by sharing the same birthday this weekend.

    Hope everyone in your family enjoys the birthday season!

  8. Holly, thanks for stopping by ,love it when you pop in,
    I am remembering you being with us when Marie got married...couldn't have done that one with out you. Such fun.

    Glad you enjoyed the post Marie and Elizabeth. Love you so much.

    Angelina, thanks so much for the kind words, you are an encourager.

    Davene, I always enjoy having you pop in for a look. So nice having your company.

    Anne, Ha Ha, yes, the girls did marry brothers, isn't that fun? I like how Kirsteen said the girls are not only sisters, but sisters in law, and the kids would be double cousins I think. And no you're not being dense. It take s some time to figure each other's famiies out doesn't it? Marie's wedding party was the same as Elizabeth's (only a couple of them switched places); and it was here in Colorado instead of Phoenix, and we had snow instead of sunshine and palm tress. (colors and decor were slightly different as well)

    Kirsteen, Happy Birthday. Hope it is a lovely one.

  9. What a wonderful post! I just love looking at these pictures. Thanks for sharing them with us. Wow what a full month of birthday for you. February is just like that for us. Miss seening you guys!!
    Love Ash
