
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Operation Christmas Child

I was reading heavenly homemaker's blog, and she posted this link about "Operation Christmas Child". Oxana gives her testimony about how she came to know the Lord, and how she became the recipient of one of these little shoe boxes.  You should hit the link and read her story.

I don't know if you have ever had a chance to be a part of "Operation Christmas Child", But it is a very rewarding experience. You participate by filling shoe boxes with Christmas toys and goodies, and decorating/wrapping the boxes, so that they can be sent to a child in need. We've done this (I should say Olga has done, it, through the High School, and I have helped, by buying items for her  to put into the boxes).  It is a delightful ministry to consider doing with the kids at Christmas time.... something the children on both ends of this gift will always remember; Interestingly enough, Olga tells me of when she and Russell and Eddie were also recipients of these boxes, like Oxana was.  It blessed them very much. After watching Oxana's video, and reading her testimony, I decided that I wanted to get us involved as a family this year.  Just thought I would share the link also.


  1. We have a similar thing here in Scotland through a charity called Blythswood Christian Care. I usually get the boys to make up boxes for boys their own age and then they can kind of guess what things might interest them.

  2. This is so neat mom. I remember when Olga did this. And yes I think it should become a family tradition also!!
    Thanks for your sweet comments over at my blog. I always gobble them up like a starving chicken LOL


  3. Just read Oxana's blog post. Made me feel so good. Loved reading her story. Thanks again for sharing. Talk to you soon on the telly phone!

    SO much Love
    ~ Marie

  4. We LOVE these little yet BIG shoe boxes..each child does one and Even before we shop we all pray individually that the Lord would place on our hearts what we should buy...Each child gets to pick out what they have prayed and asked the Lord about and then we pray over each box and that the Lord will guide it to the perfect child that has maybe longed or thought of some of the things that were placed in that they would know that God has heard and seen them...May those little yet BIG shoe boxes continue to be a testemant to God's Love and Faithfullness to His children..wherever they are...what a Great Post...This is one deffinately worthy of a RE-POST later on down the Road...
    Have A Blessed Day Pam..
    In Christ

  5. I can't wait to read the story! What an amazing testimony. We will have to look into this as well :)

    Love you Mom!!

    ~ Elizabeth
