
Monday, October 4, 2010

Apron Swap Up Date

Okay, I paired up the names and sent out the e-mails for the "Apron Swap" at last.  It took me a little longer than I had hoped, because of so many interruptions and distractions around here.  If you signed up to do the swap, check your e-mail and make sure you got an e-mail from me.  If you didn't get an e-mail, leave me a comment with your e-mail address, and I'll try it again.

It oughta be fun girls. 
 Post about it okay?

Many Blessings


  1. Pam,
    I am so excited and what a blessing it was to see that my partner is Regina..she was one of the winners in my Giveaway for Marie-Madeline...I got a sweet email from her at the same time yours came in..she too was blessed and spoke of God's great Providence in our lives..what a blessing to be partnered with her..I can't wait to get started on the Apron and look forward to seeing and hearing about how the Lord has worked in and through us as we Make these Aprons of Blessing..
    Have a great night Pam..
    In Christ

    Oh..I will be talking with your Sweet daughter Come thursday..( Marie that is.. : )looking forward to it..

    Oh and Congratulations on your Soon to Be Grandbaby BOY!!!! how very exciting..
