
Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Great Apron Swap Up-date

Here's a little up-date for those who are participating in the "Apron Swap".    Lets plan to have October 25th as our deadline to get the aprons mailed.  Let me know if you can't get it finished by then, and we can re-adjust if necessary.  There will obviously be a variety of arrival dates,  depending on how far each one is being shipped to.  Please use the least expensive shipping options... especially those who are shipping over seas.  (I probably should have hooked up each gal within their own country borders, but that would have taken the fun away... its a very special thing to be swapping not only between States, but also between Countries...)  Please scroll down and read previous post for more details.

Many Blessings to you all



  1. Hey, if I'm on time with this, I will expect a gold star. This will be got it?!
    Love Anne x

  2. You did a great job pairing us up. It is so fun to get to know Kirtsteen, and she and I are looking forward to sending an apron that will have some relation to where we live. :-D
    I am going to go shopping this weekend, I thought sewing by hand would probably take me until next Oct 25th. :-D

  3. I'll be buying one too as my sewing machine is in storage just now. Looking forward to it though!

  4. Hello Pam,
    I am thankful for the we have been really sick over here...I have bought all the fabric..just haven't had the strenghth to sew yet...Look forward to being able to though..Have a blessed week Pam..

  5. So nice to hear your coments girls. Danielle, I love that you are happy about how it was paired up and that you and Kirsteen are going to be sending an apron that will have some relation to where you live. That's great. It gives me a sweet blessing to think about it.

    Anne, You've got an extra week ya hear? :) You're gonna make it... I am finishing up yours as we you might be guessing, I didn't get it sent today...hoping for tomorrow.

    Angelina, I am so sorry you have been sick. I am glad I pushed the date up a week, I think almost everyone is glad for the extra time.
