
Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Eve Surprise

 Announcing the arrival
Baby  Ezra Wyatt Marius
8 pounds 11 ounces
21 inches long
Mother and baby are doing well

Our New Year's Eve was more special than any other we have ever had, because we were given the gift of a New Grandson.  Grandson number five to be specific. Praise the Lord.  We are abundantly blessed.  And now this Grammy will be leaving in the morning to go to Jon and Marie's and try to be a bit of a help, and to get a hold of that new baby and baby Zane.


  1. Congratulations on your latest grandson! I've just been visiting Marie's blog and have seen his little pictures - how adorable!!

    Am I right that you have all grandsons and no grand-daughters (so far!)? My mother is the same, 7 grandsons and no grand-daughters.

    Enjoy your time with them, and I am trying not to be jealous of all those cuddles with a newborn!

  2. Its funny how all three of us posted today! LOL! :D I am so excited about you being with Marie and Jon. And to kiss the newest baby! I am so glad for Zane as well ;) He's gonna be in heaven to have his Grammy back!

    Love you Mom!!!

  3. Yes Kirsteen, only Grandsons so far. It will be fun to see who has the first granddaughter if any. Thanks for stopping in, love your comments.

  4. P.S. I forgot to mention that I LOVE the new look on your blog! Its so pretty!!!!

  5. Elizabeth, you must have been posting your comment when I was answering Kirsteen. Yes, I just saw Marie had posted, am going over there right now.
    Love Mom

  6. Congratulations to you, Pam! What a wonderful blessing to have a new grandson in the family!!!

    It made me smile to see how you still referred to Zane as "baby Zane" - even though he's a "big" brother now! :)

    I'm SO GLAD you're going to OH to be with Marie. I've been blessed to have my mom to help me after each time I've given birth. There's no one like mom. ;-)

    I pray that you'll have an easy, safe trip. Give those babies an extra hug and kiss from me! :)

  7. Oh you're kidding!! Where was I the past day! I can't believe baby has arrived! What a wonderful New Year present. Was she due already? I thought she had some weeks to go, but then again, I don't tend to realise that time passes...
    Give my love to Marie. And give lots and lots of kisses to that new bundle (I doubt I need to give you any encouragement on that score!)
    Lovely to hear your news. Have a wonderful trip.
    Lots of love, Anne x

  8. May you have a safe and blessed journey over to Maris and Jon's. Give little Ezra a kiss for me. I love the look of your blog. love, Holly
