
Friday, March 25, 2011

Food for Thought

These are some books I've been reading recently.  I have really enjoyed them.  They are cookbooks with stories from the Great Depression.   I've had my interest piqued lately about the Great Depression.  Many of our grandparents or great-grandparents lived through that era.  I wonder how many of you remember your grandparents talking about the Great Depression.  I know my husband and myself had grandparents who were greatly influenced  their entire lives from that era.  Conserving water, making use of every last thing, eating oatmeal rain or shine, and feeling a sense of uneasiness towards banks and governments were all things we both remember hearing about.  Sometimes when we were younger their excessive expression of those things would seem wearisome to us,  but now as the days get more and more difficult, I long to hear what they had to say.  Sad to say, our grandparents have all passed away.  There are, however,  still many valuable nuggets to be attained from our parents and  from stories like these, in these books.   I really enjoyed and appreciated the stories or even just "one liners", particularly in "Clara's Kitchen".  She talks throughout the cookbook about what they did and how they ate to survive.  Her story, her life, her outlook and her recipes are all delightful.

Seeing the days that seem to be coming upon us, I thought it would be a good idea to take seriously the wisdom "that" generation has to give us from those days.  We at least have the ability to look back, and then look ahead and pray "Lord, give us wisdom, give us a plan".
I have been mulling over ideas that would help earn money, save money, and stretch what we have, and help us persevere through difficult times.  Would love to hear your ideas.

If you get a chance, you should visit Clara's Blog and enjoy the little video below.   Clara is 94 years old.

"God is our refuge and strength
a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change
and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea:
Though  its waters roar and foam,
Though its mountains quake at its swelling pride......

....The God of Jacob is our stronghold."

Don't forget to scroll down and pause my music before you press play.


  1. Oh Mom that was soooooo sweet! I think the Lord has been speaking to you and Dad. What a nugget! I can't wait to catch up with the guys!!!

    LOVE YOU!!!!!!

  2. Thanks for this great post, Pam! I look forward to reading a few of those books. I will look at the video tomorrow! I really don't know much about the depression. But I think you are right, there is much wisdom to be learned from that generation! I appreciate the "head's up!"

  3. This has gotten me hungry for her books now! And yes I agree with you about the state of affairs. It is very concerning.

    ~ Marie

  4. I will watch the video later (nobody is up yet, so I don't want to put any noise on!), but I'm convinced that these lessons they learnt in the 30's are going to have to be learnt again.... but how with *this* generation, who've had it so easy all their lives, cope? I'm not so sure about that.
    I'll definitely be visiting that site x

  5. Oh thanks for sharing I need to write down those books. My Grandmother lived through the Great Depression....she passed a lot of her funny quirks from this time period down to us. She was a wonderfully frugal woman who could really do a lot with a little. I would love to see these I will have to try and find them on ebay. I love history :) ~Blessings Love Heather

  6. Oh my, I have to go and visit that blog - is she the oldest blogger I wonder? I just love to read memoirs of ordinary people (rather than celebrities) - one of my favourites was a little book called 'A Grandmother's Century' by Jessie Lee Brown Foveaux. She finished her book at the age of 98! It is probably out of print now as I read it in the late 1990's. She was born in the mid-west at the start of the last century. Written for her own family it is just the story of her ordinary day to day life and its hardships and joys. I learned quite a bit about the 1930'S from reading this book. I understand it was hard for those whom had been brought up with strong work ethics to actually accept that there was no work and even harder to go and stand in the queues for food handouts. It seems prunes were still plentiful as she said that she didn't know what to do with all the prunes they were given so she learned to can them!

  7. Yes Anne, I agree, I think hard times will really be a shocker to many of this generation, we sure do need to pray don't we? And Ann I wold love to read
    "A Grandmother's Century", I love those kinds of books too. I can imagine how hard it was for those hard working people to stand in lines for food handouts, and not being able to find work must have been so hard.
    Heather, perhaps we all can pull more of those traits out of our heritage, I'm sure we could use them in the days to come.
    Marie, and Elizabeth, I miss you so much. Elizabeth I miss your blogging. Love you.

    Much Love Pam
