
Monday, May 23, 2011

The Busy Season Has Begun

We've been home since last Wednesday, and all my aspirations of posting pictures of our lovely little trip have gone by the wayside.  The busy season of the year has begun.  Between gardens, and school finishing, (and 8th grade graduation for Eddie) returning from a trip and leaving on  another at the end of the week,  it is hard to keep up.  As for the pictures, I have been having trouble downloading them onto the computer, simply because of some weird malfunction when I was taking them.  I think, if I understand it right, the pictures were re-allocated on my phone to a diffierent storarage center... how, which, why it is there, and how it got switched, and how I retrieve pictures from that storage center, I don't know..... (I have tried over and over to download them... they are not cooperating). I can at least look at them on the phone itself.  So I would like to invite you all over to my house for tea and cake (chocolate),  cucumber sandwiches, and a happy visit with a lovely slide show off of my phone so that I can delight in showing you  pictures of the most amazing countryside, and animals of Yellowstone National Park and Jackson Hole Wyoming.  We had a great time.  We saw buffalo everywhere, including in front of the car, beside the car, to the right, to the get the idea.  We saw elk in like manor,  a Mama bear with 2 cubs,  a Grizzly Bear, 2 Moose... or is it Mooses,  or  Meese Ha Ha! We saw a coyote (we see plenty of coyotes around here, but none that are so accommodating as to pause and pose for a close up photo), the amazing Teton Mountain Range, "Old Faithful", the beautiful "Snake River " and the delightful little town of Jackson ... among many other things.  It was a great time, and I would recommend it wholeheartedly for a family vacation to all.

I snagged a couple of freebie pictures very like my own, courtesy of google, so that I could at least show you how pretty it was.  If you google "images" of Jackson Hole, the Tetons, or Yellowstone, you would see some amazing pictures.

I hope to post once  or twice more before we are off at the end of the week.  We are making a visit to Phoenix to visit my son Nathan (who is graduating from Collins College), daughter in law Himilce, and two precious grandson's; one of which is celebrating his second birthday (So excited that we get to be a part of this one Yea!)  We are also going to visit my my Dad and Kathy, and our other son Russell, who is in California now, and my Mom (next state up in Nevada) and brother... it will be a fast and furious couple of weeks, but a highlight of our summer.
Have a blessed week everyone.


  1. wow that is gorgeous that must have been a fantastic trip!! Have a blessed week Love Heather

  2. I had exactly the same issue with my phone - had to ask my Luke how to get the photos off my phone. I then found a program which uploads them - took me ages to work it out though and don't think I will use it again. Much too complicated for me! Just need to remember to take my camera with me when I leave the house! Sounds like you had a wonderful time Pam - I have seen the pictures of Yellowstone on wildlife documentaries but if I lived closer I would take up your invitation to tea and chocolate cake and cucumber sandwiches to see your photos! Of course if I ever came to the US I would visit those places too. And if you ever had the chance to visit Australia and wanted to see koalas in the wild (as opposed to a zoo) you would have to come and see me! Enjoy your next trip and those precious times with family.

  3. I do hope you get round to posting your pictures! The Atlantic is a bit in our way of popping over for tea and a slideshow!

    Enjoy your next trip and grandson's birthday.

  4. Pam, So good to hear from you! Wish I could come for tea and a visit and the slide show....that is a lovely part of the country!
    Have a great upcoming trip, and I'll look forwarda to reading your posts whenever you get to it! Life comes first, we all know!

  5. I will be right over.. : ) After I leave Marie's house from eating ALL her delicious cookies.. : }

    Oh my you have quite the road trip ahead of exciting...

    Hopefully you'll be able to share those photos with us...and I will pray that the Lord will help you to get these other ones off of your phone...

    Have a blessed day..

  6. What a lovely trip that must have been! SOME day I would love to pack us all up and head west...thanks for stopping by!

  7. Oh I want a cup of tea with you! I can't wait for that day! Give Asher and Elon a kiss from their aunty! Maybe uncle Dave can fix the problem with your phone? I want to see those pictures! Have a safe trip Mom! Love you!

  8. Pam,
    I can't use my blogger account right now, but I wanted to let you know that I haven't received an e-mail from you regarding where to send your book. My e-mail is on my "about" page. Can't wait to hear from you so I can get this gift to you! Hugs!

    A Multitude of Mercies

  9. I'll keep that tea date penciled in my calender! I miss and love you Pam. Have a wonderful trip :)
