
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Unseen Army

picture curtesy of google images

The Unseen Army

Here is a word for you from the Word

Psalm 34:7
The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. NIV

    Do you believe in angels? I want to tell you that I do. I believe there are myriads and myriads of good angels who are given charge over God’s people.

 Another passage says that God will give His angels charge over us to guard us in all our ways. I tell you, I believe we need the guardianship, the protection and the support of angels. I’m glad to know that wherever I go there’s an angel of God that encamps around about me and he delivers me.
 There was a prophet in the Old Testament, the prophet Elisha. At a certain time he was in a city besieged by a large alien army that was there to take him, to capture him. His servant went up on the roof and pointed out to him the tremendous numbers of the opposing army, but Elisha prayed for that young servant and said, “Lord, open this young man’s eyes.” And when He opened his eyes he saw the armies of God around about the prophet, far greater in number and infinitely greater in power than those invading alien armies. And I believe that if God could open our eyes we’d see it’s true today. Those that be with us are more than those that be with them. We have a great unseen army on our side.

 Let’s be encouraged, let’s take heart, let’s reckon with the presence of the Lord’s angels encamping round about us to deliver us. - Derek Prince
From Derek Prince Ministries... Weekly Devotional

When I got this devotional in my e-mail, I  wanted to share it as an encouragement  today.  There is so much going on in the world around us these days, that a spirit of fear often seems louder than the Spirit of the Lord, but His word is a reminder that He cares for us and that He watches over us and that He sends His angels to help us.  I think that is amazing... do we really believe it I wonder... I do, but sometimes I forget.  Nice to remember.


  1. If this was a Facebook message, I would 'Like'....very much!

  2. You have no idea how much you've encouraged this pastor's wife today. My husband and I have been facing some incredible storms within our church because my husband is choosing to stand on God's Word.

    Thank you!

  3. Thanks, Pam, for those encouraging words! Amen!

  4. That is very encouraging!! thankyou for sharing ~Love Heather

  5. Amen!
    I was telling our babysitter's mom about a' accident that God had miraculously spared me from, and she said, "The hoard of angels were on the road pushing that van off the road." (just seconds before it hit us!)
    So much love to you!

  6. Oh mom I just LOVED this so much!!
    I also love the picture you posted, so so cool!!


  7. Your post has brought me SO much needed encouragement, THANK YOU Pam.
