
Friday, July 1, 2011

Thank You Trisha

I have had the hardest time getting back to blogging.  We had company arrive less than a week after we got home from our trip, and with so much to do to get ready for them,  it has been non stop.  My Mom and my niece Rachel came for a fast and furious visit.  It was great to have my Mom here again (in what I consider her home).  We had a great time, and hated to see them go.  Rachel and Luke cooked up a storm together; they both share a love for cooking, and inspired each other all week long.   They left at the beginning of the week and I miss them already.  All week I have said to myself... "just a few more things, and I will be caught up and can get back to blogging."   Well at last I am here...,  not necessarily caught up (I'm not sure that ever happens, yet one does try), but satisfied with having laundry done, an almost clean house and the garden a little more in order.  

I wanted to say a big Thank you"  to Trisha from, because; I am now the delighted recipient of a new cupcake cookbook that she sent to me.   I signed up to try to win her give away last month, and was amazed to find that I won it.  I have never won one before, so this is a "wonderful first" for me.  You all will enjoy her blog when you pop over and check it out. Now I am inspired to get creative.  Thanks again Trisha, I'm lovin it.
Don't you love the cover?

This sweet little note came with the book.

I am going to make this one  first.  Doesn't that tantalize you?  Do you want the recipe?

I miss having my Mom live next door... nice to have her for a visit though.

Cooking Cousins

What is everyone doing for the  Fourth of July?
Hope it is a great weekend for everyone.
Many Blessings,


  1. Sweet Pam, I am so glad you're liking the cookbook! I hope you have lots of fun with it. :) And what a treat to have your Mom in for a visit, even if it was a quick one. I can't wait until my Mom can come out and stay with us for a bit. Every moment is precious,isn't it.

    Hugs to you, my friend!

  2. Oh my goodness!
    Yes! I would love that recipe! Yum! That looks amazing! If I had that in the kitchen right now I would have time to eat a whole batch before the kids woke up! :-D
    I'm so so glad you've come back to blogging, I know we talk elsewhere but I just love the pictures and the way you describe things.
    I love you so much!

  3. Congratulations on winning the book, and happy baking! (And eating!)

    We're having our homeschooler's day again for the 4th celebration, and this year, we're gonna have a real, authentic American with us! Happy 4th when it comes !
