
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Enjoying My Boys

Been having a lovely batch of boys through the house for the past several weeks.  As I mentioned before, Nathan and his film crew were here.  Most of them stayed up at our little mobile home, we call it "The Cottage".  We had  worked to get everything in order for them before they got here.  Steve had to re-do almost all of the plumbing, which was a long and drawn out frustration, but needed to be done, and this gave incentive to put it into overdrive.  It was up and running by the time they got here.  We had a great time, and I had a feeling of the "old days" when all the other kids were home and all their friends were in and out of the house.  I loved having them around. Eddie thinks its the "cat's meow" when the big guys are all home... particularly with all their friends in tow, and all of them taking him target practicing and off on one of their exploratory trips, really makes life bearable for him.  He was in rare form. We all watched a movie together on Thursday night (a film makers assignment).  It was a movie about Ghengis Khan... so you can imagine there was a little blood.  Eddie informed me that it probably wasn't a movie I should watch.  I got a great chuckle out of that.

They all left last Friday morning, after which I drove up to Denver to pick up Russell at the airport.  We are now enjoying his company until Friday.  I am getting chubby again because of all the cooking Luke and I are doing. 

I have come to realize, when my children left home, I went  through quite a mourning.  I know this is a common occurrence it even has an official title: "Empty Nest Syndrome".  It probably wouldn't have been so hard on me if they had all moved down the street or across town, but across the USA, is difficult.  Thank goodness for telephones, and internet.  People used to talk about "the empty nest", and I didn't really pay attention to it.  I didn't think twice about it... until my nest was empty.  I never knew how hard it would hit me.  But it did.

You can tell the difference between my pictures and the ones I got from Nathan in this post; His are great quality, from good cameras that he and the guys took; mine are from my phone, because I didn't have my camera. Half of them are blurry, but at least I was able to take them and down load them. by the way, the photo above is one of the photos taken on the scouting and filming trip; Steve and I just chuckle and chuckle when we look at it.  I am not going to tell you the story about it quite yet, I''ll save it for another post, but it is entitled "Photo Shoot Gone Wrong", and its gotta make you laugh.
Russell, Eddie and Luke... along with half of Toby Mack (Luke just got up off the floor... his hair is going every which direction... smile).

 I got these from Nathan, and they are some of his crew, at some of the various places they camped and worked.
Here's Nathan at the Great Sand Dunes.... Looks like the Sahara doesn't it?

That's Colorado for you... deserts and mountains all with in a short distance of each other.

Blessings to all, Pam


  1. Oh Pam, what wonderful photos, and what a wonderful time you had with your house full of buzz again. I could 'feel' it - food on the go; chatter going; the door opening and closing non-stop....

    I think so often if I live to see the time when all my kids have left home... what will it be like? Will I get depressed? Will I transfer my time and my energy to others who could do with some help?? I often think about these things. I'm not surprised - as you say, especially because we homeschool - that all that busy-ness stopping could make a person struggle a bit.

    Good to hear from you again. Loved the post :)

  2. Beautiful! And I love your touching background music as well! Thanks for your visit!

  3. Sweet Miss Pam,
    This might sound silly, but I almost didn't comment on this post for fear of disturbing the "family glow". There is so much "home" in your writing it's like wrapping up in a favorite afghan with a cup of tea and a good book!
    I completely understand what you mean about it being hard on homeschool moms when the "nest" is empty. :-( Come soon Lord Jesus, so we can all be together!
    Love the pics of the three boys in the kitchen, Russel is such a young man! And of course Nathan's pics are great! I'm sure you are so so proud of him!
    I love you, oh, and I can't wait to see you "chubby"! :-D

  4. Dear Pam, I just loved the pictures. I am having a heck of a time leaving comments.It has not been working at all maybe this one will get through. Would you like to have some more company cause I could come if ya want. Ha-Ha

  5. Pam I just wanted to read this post again!! It made me cry,empty nest stuff still hits me , everyone starting their homeschoolong year. It al just makes me wanna cook or sew or blog.
    Blessings enjoy those all grown up babies!!

    The bear tell me about the bear!!

  6. I can't wait for that family reunion mom! And yes it has been almost five years since our wedding, so hard to believe!! Its so great seeing pictures of all the boys! Loved the memory of Eomere and Honey and their eating habits lol!

    Love you!!!!!!!
