
Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I have been longing to host a Passover meal at our house the last few years, but it hasn't worked out.  We don't quite have the space to host very many people along with our family.  If we could be certain of the weather, we could do it outside but... well you know how the weather is in Colorado...unpredictable.   Many years ago, we participated in a Passover meal, and we thought it was very special.  It taught us the connection of Jesus as the "Lamb of God" and Jesus the "Messiah" and  what the "blood of Jesus"is all about.  I think it would be wonderful if we began our celebration of the Resurrection with the celebration of the Passover every year.

Some good friends of ours gave us a DVD in December, that we just recently watched.  It was very good.  It is the testimony of a man named Tom Cantor.  He is a Jewish man, a scientist, who developed  the "First Response Pregnancy Test" (among other things) and established a Creation Museum in San Diego Californian. His testimony is wonderful.  In it, he tells a very interesting story of his life, and explains about "The Lamb of God" from his youthful search for God as a young Jewish man. It is timely for passover and I thought it might bless you.  Its not short, but well worth the time to listen.

Many Blessings to you all as you celebrate the Passover and Resurrection 

The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and he said "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world".
John 1:29

Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page and pause the music so you can hear this.


  1. Sorry to say that, I am quite new in the passover this year. That's why looking something special about passover. Got some speicial seeder from you here.
    Wishing you a happy Passover.
    You can take a look at this passover message: on this celebration. Very unique one.

  2. Seems I am thinking along the same lines. Wanting to acknowledge passover and do something....start our own special day remembering what God has done for us.

    I will have to watch this video later with my husband and the looks interesting.

    Thank you for sharing.


  3. You don't have to publish this comment...I couldn't find an email addy to write you at so I thought I'd just write here :-)

    Your comments have been so sweet on our blog. Thank you for your visits. I was telling my husband that I feel like I found a friend in you because we're alike....meaning....both married to the same man for so long (unheard of these days)....both Grandmama's....both loving our large family and all the joys that it brings.

    I have enjoyed visiting here and going back to read past posts.

    My email is


  4. I love learning Jewish stories and customs.

  5. Thank you for stopping by my blog. We are indeed blessed women to have steadfast men by our sides. And if they are also fun and makes us laugh, all the better!
