
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Launching Your Creativity

While I am away, I wanted to leave some videos to encourage any of you that have creative endeavors you are wanting to do something with.  For some of you it is blogging, for some of you it is a hobby/business on the sidelines of an already busy life with family, and for some of you, it is an endeavor for full time income that can help pay the bills in these trying times.  I found a few videos on Pinterest and Etsy that I thought had some words of encouragement and some tips for your business, and creative endeavors.   I hope they will encourage you in what you are wanting to do.  They  encouraged me, because I am trying to pursue a business  with some of my own creations, and have struggled against the intimidation of what is already out there, what is already successful and so on. I appreciate what  Sharon Hughs says about comparison and thought  you gals  might too.  Also, these little postings are just excerps of what I found here and there, I don't know these people's full backgrounds,  I just wanted to share some of their tips, because they were helpful.   Remember that in everything you do, whether blogging,  sewing, crafting, cleaning, cooking, raising a family or sharing life with others, "Let your Light shine."  Every part of our lives that is filled with Jesus and shared with others is Light.

Sharon Hughs


  1. She has great advice, thank you so much for sharing! I bet(not that I'm a gambler...haha) you are having a blast! Enjoy yourself!

  2. Wow - thank you so much for putting me onto this Pam. Her advice was so relevant to me. The first video had some quite wise statements. I am already finding people who want to partner with me and I do need to know their motives. I have already given much thought to how I want to brand myself. I have name and my logo. The time factor is a big one for me. How much time do I give to this and deciding which markets to attend. In it all I do not want to neglect my family. I have turned down whole weekend events where I could have done quite well but its quite amazing how already people are coming up to me and saying 'A friend told me about your business'. I will have to go and read the rest of her advice on her website. I'm sure it is going to be very helpful to me.

  3. I also loved the clip, what really struck me was the comparing mirror.
    I want to remember that always, it really takes the fun out of creating when you do that anyways.
    This girl wants to take pleasure.
    Blessings and Shalom, Roxy

  4. I loved this so much Mom, and will refer back to it time and again!
    I also loved watching it with you! How delightful was that?!! You, Elizabeth and I, our cups of tea and oatmeal cookies with such delightful talk over these videos!!
    Such happy memories for me!!

    LOVE you so much!!
    ~ Marie
