
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Romancing the Home for Fall

I like to think I am a very practical person.... but I also consider myself a romantic.
I think our whole family is that way.  It must be the creative side of us that can't resist lovely things, and being able to be a part of creating.  We all love to "create", in some format or other; painting, photography, film making, writing, cooking, jewelry, sewing, crocheting, home decorating, etc.   But we all  also love creating a certain atmosphere in our homes... music, candles, special moments together, that's us.  My grown kids are especially talented in those departments.  I know many of you are the same, so I thought I would share with you as I am romancing our home for fall.... nothing amazing, but perhaps will spark some of your own delight in decorating for fall. 
Fall Flowers and Rod Iron on the Garden Shed

Wild Sage 
.....which Luke and I picked in the field

A Wreath made from Wild Sage and Yucca Pods to decorate the Chicken House

Wild Sage in an Iron Vase 

Candles and Fall Flowers in the Bathroom
Steve and I both love candles...

So Pretty at Night

Fall Leaves in a Jar
  When my oldest son Nathan was born,  my Mom came to stay and to help.  I have a special memory of coming home from the hospital and finding aspen leaves in jars all over the house.  
It was September in the higher mountain elevations, and the aspen leaves were already turning  golden 
The house was so beautiful,  I will never forget how lovely it looked, and how special it felt to come home to.  Thanks for the happy memory Mom.
Golden Leaves and Twinkle Lights on the Mantle
 Decorating the Dollhouse For Fall

 Little Leaves, Little Pumpkins, Little Sunflowers

Happy Decorating Everyone

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8

By wisdom a house is built,

    and through understanding it is established;

through knowledge its rooms are filled
    with rare and beautiful treasures.
Proverbs 24:3-4


  1. Oh Pam, your fall decorating is so lovely. You like all the same things I do - candles, wreaths, flowers and of course everything to do with tea. I think I might have to pin some of these pics onto my boards for inspiration for when autumn returns here. I especially loved your sage wreath and your collection of candles. My girls have a lovely dollhouse too but I haven't found time to do it up properly. I found a sweet miniature Singer sewing table for it but I'm holding onto that until the toddler is older. Thank you so much for sharing these pictures, they brightened my day!

  2. Pam ,thanks for the amazing and so sweet fall decorating ideas, love them.The doll house is just precious. And yes your whole family is filled with artist and beautiful talented children, just like their Momma!
    Your scripture is His heart desire for ALL of us.
    Blessings and His Favor,Love Roxy

  3. Oh Pam, everything looks so cozy, beautiful! I love your fall decor! And your wild sage...wishin' there was some to go pick, I really like your wreath!!!

  4. Pam, your decorations are so gorgeous., I love that you have that wonderful memory of coming home with Nathan to that beautifully decorated home. How precious that was. Anne x

  5. So so lovely Mom! I can't get over that wild sage! Its gorgeous!! I am so glad you will be able to be here next week and we can enjoy this season together. These pictures do my heart wonders! I especially love the doll house decorations!! So fun Mom! I love you!!!

  6. What a wonderful story about your momma coming to help and decorate!!!
    I love the little dollhouse! I'm anxious to see it decked out for Christmas!!!
    Love you!

  7. Gorgeous fall displays!! You are one talented lady!
    Love ya,

  8. so beautiful! so inspiring! love reading through your blog! very soon you will be with your sweet daughters! I wish I could stop by like last time! love, daisy
