
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ronald Regan

With election day right around the corner, I wanted to post a very special video sent to us by a friend, just as a reminder of what is good, and right and honorable.... what our country is all about, where we have come from, and what we can still hope for.  The White House has held many Godly men in office in times past.  Perhaps the Lord will have mercy on our country if we cry out to him.  Perhaps the Lord will have mercy on our country if  we humble ourselves and pray.  Perhaps the Lord will have mercy on our country for the sake of the "Fathers".   Perhaps the Lord will have mercy on our country if our country will choose to change its course.

Enjoy Ronald Regan.  He is a hero of ours.  I get choked up when I listen to this video and realize what a Christian he really was.

Blessings everyone.


  1. Let Freedom Ring!!
    This clip just made my spirit leap.
    I posted this on FB.
    May God help us!
    Blessings, Roxy

  2. This was a really good clip from a really good president. I hope and pray we get the right man in the white house. I shared it on my FB page too! Thanks for getting it started Pam! Miss you and hope you are enjoying your family.
    Love ya,

  3. Jon and I LOVED this and I think we will play it again. It is so comforting and reassuring. It wasn't that long ago and that he was in office and that gives me hope for this country. Maybe we could turn around again. With the Lord's grace!

    Love you so much
    ~ Marie
