
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Loosing a Friend

This week we  made a very short trip to Phoenix for the funeral of a very dear friend.  Our friend Art was taken to heaven last week unexpectedly due to a car accident.  What a shock, and a sorrow and a loss to all of us who knew and loved him.  The  funeral was a very special moment to Steve and I, and encouraged us greatly even through our sorrow.   A life that is lived well, and remembered with great love is a successful life.  Art  inspired life in all who knew him.  He had the rare quality of making all that knew him feel as if they were very important, and very loved.  He loved Jesus, his family, his grandchildren and they were all the joy of his life.  We cried and laughed all day along with family and friends as we re-told stories and memories about him.  He and his beautiful wife Barbara imprinted a part of  themselves on Steve and I and our children, so that part of who we are comes from our friendship and relationship to Art and his "Lady Barbara" ( as he always called her).  I wrote about them  here,  a short while ago, and you can read about them if you would like.  Perhaps you all could pray for Barbara this week when you are praying, and lift her up with me.  We will miss Art very much.

"Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God; trust also in me.   In my Father's house are many rooms, if it were not so, I would have told you.  I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me, that you also may be where I am."  
John 14:1-4


  1. Aw Pam, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. As you were writing your post I was also writing one about the loss of my cousin, in a car accident, 9 years ago this week. So I have some understanding of how you must be feeling.

    Praying also for your friend who has lost her husband.

  2. Oh thank you Kirsteen... I'll pop over and read your post this evening.

  3. So sorry Pam, Sounds like he was a good friend and will be missed. It also sounds like you have some good memories. I hope I leave a legacy behind when I go... We lost a nephew this week he was only 23. We are to far from family to go back for the funeral. :( I will say a prayer for Barbara ~xoxo Love Heather

  4. Oh that is sad, Heather, it is so hard when someone that young passes away. I will be praying for your family as well.

  5. So sorry to hear of the loss of a dear friend Pam but it is only a temporary absence for we know that you will all be reunited in heaven one day. What a hope we have as followers of Christ and as the Bible says 'For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.' Gain being the opposite of loss! My mother lost her brother recently. He was a wonderful man. He was in his 80's and had been very ill for a long time but I do not know if he ever accepted Christ as his Saviour. I know there is time until that very last breath is drawn but not knowing is hard.

  6. Oh Pam. That's so hard. Unexpected death. I will most definitely keep Barbara in my prayers.

  7. Hello Pam, Yes the loss is very heavy and burdens us. But I also know you have great comfort for you knew who Art belonged too.
    I am so glad you got to go and God gave you and Steve the miracle to go!
    I will even miss him even though he was not my dear friend, but he was yours and what brings you sorrow hurts me as well.
    Love and Blessings Always, Roxy

  8. Lifting "Lady Barbara" up in prayers tonight as well as you and your loved ones.


  9. So very sorry for your loss. But at the same time, so very thankful he has a sure and lasting home in Heaven w/ our Heavenly Father. What a comfort to our hearts when someone leaves this life only to go on to the best that God has prepared for us, His children. Prayers for his family and friends as they adjust to this unexpected life changing moment.
