
Friday, February 1, 2013

A New Granddaughter

We are grandparents again!!!.  Elyse,  Adelaide was born on January 14 to our son Nathan and daughter in law Himilce.  She is our first granddaughter (with 5  wonderful grandsons leading the way).  We can't wait to get our hands and lips on her. I waited a while to announce her birth, only because the timing hasn't opened up and I haven't really got any pictures of her yet.   Himilce says she looks like Elon.    We do have a picture from the hospital, taken from cell phone, but will wait to post a picture when you can really see little Elyse clearly.  It has been a month of  "go, go go" for everyone; particularly Nathan and Himilce and Jon and Marie, and Elizabeth and Benjamin.  They have all been moving, and interestingly enough, everyone moved the same week.  Nathan and Himilce closed on their house the week before the baby was born, and then began painting and then... along came baby.  I can't imagine trying to move and settle in after all the work of having baby, but , they have done it with a little help from Himilce's parents.  Elizabeth and Benjamin, and Jon and Marie and babies closed on their property the same week, and have moved in.  They bought a little acreage with two houses and a pond. It is fun to hear their stories.  Everyone is excited to begin gardens and goats and chickens to what ever degree they will be able to do that.    One little "fly in the ointment" in all these happenings, is that everyone has been without internet (by everyone, I mean the 3 above mentioned of our  kids and their families and even Luke) , it's funny you don't realize how you get used to the internet as a life line connection to the kids when they are so far away, and lately we have not been able to do Skype or Face Time with them; we are hungry to lay our eyes on kids, grandkids, new grand baby, and new homes; thank you Lord for cell phones at this time.  I would hate to  be in the pioneer days under these circumstances, and have to wait to hear via letter/wagon train or pony express; so I guess I can say that I do really appreciate many aspects of today's technology.

We got some snow at the beginning of the week, and are finally feeling a little bit of true Colorado Wintertime, (which has been quite scarce this year).  It is melting fast, and the sun is shining again, (I never protest that),  but hopefully we will get quite a few more snows and enough moisture to  turn this drought around, otherwise I am afraid we are going to have another "Dust Bowl" around here this year.  

As I was talking to my girls this week, they were planning gardens and talking about vegetable seeds and so on, and I realized that I ought to be thinking along that line myself.  Perhaps I will start my tomato seeds soon.  I am having a hard time getting into that mode....didn't we just finish with the fall harvest?  I am starting to get back into a some what normal routine this last week, after a very busy 2 and a half months; Starting with a visit to Florida, and ending with a visit from our friend Sue, we realized that every day has been chock full, with only a few moments here and there to catch breath.  Not complaining, "just saying".  Hope you all have a great week.  May it be filled with "His Peace".

         Behold, children are a gift of the LORD,
         The fruit of the womb is a reward.

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
         So are the children of one’s youth.

                How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them;
         They will not be ashamed
         When they speak with their enemies in the gate.

Psalm 127:3


  1. How precious, cannot wait to see pics of your newest little grand-daughter! I know what you mean about time flying. Finished filing taxes the other day, and looked at my husband and said, "where did this year go???" it's almost a blurr it seems. We too are looking forward to gardening season. Purchasing a new tiller this year, hoping just like you all, that the drought is over. It was so bad here in AR as well. I need to remember to keep that in my prayers. Hugs to you Ms. Pam!

  2. Congratulations on the birth of your grand-daughter Pam. I'm sure you will enjoy buying or making girly gifts for her after all those grandsons. Sounds like all your family have similar aspirations for a simple/natural life with all those plans for gardens, chickens and so forth. I am waiting for cooler weather to plant again. We had a big rain event (which caused major floods further north) after some really hot days so soil is softer now but the weeds have gone crazy. I look forward to seeing the photos of Elyse Adelaide .. her second name being the capital city of South Australia. I have always wanted to visit Adelaide - it is known as the city of churches and looks so pretty with all its stone walled buildings.

  3. Oh, Pam, how wonderful to now have a grand*daughter* to add to your lovely grandsons....

    I can't believe all three couples were moving at the same time! Wow - that's quite something. So glad they were all able to sell :)

    Chuffed to bits for you ((hugs)) x

  4. Congratulations how wonderful your family is growing what a blessing!! Can't wait to see pictures ~Love Heather

  5. So excited for pictures of the new grand daughter. You must just be giddy with excitement. Boys are so much fun, but there is a sweetness about a little girl. Such a treasure you have. I am just so blessed to be able to be a part of your growing family. Yes, this year all ready seems like it's flying past. And, I'm a feared that we are entering another dust bowl. I hope and pray that the Lord sends refreshing moisture to his people (lands included) Barry's planning and preparing and gathering ideas for a better green house garden this year. He wants to expand and create new ways to grow more in this dry climate. Can't wait to see what the Lord is showing him.... Miss you guys and just know that you are all prayed for daily. If I don't get to see you before your birthday... I hope you have the best one yet. Be blessed.
    Love ya so much Pammy!

  6. Miss Pam,

    What a sweet post!
    I can't wait to see pictures and hear more about the girls and their adventures!!!
    Love you!

  7. Dearest Pam, I am so happy for the the gift of another sweet grand baby, and a wee little girl at that.
    Pink at last, her name is so original and sounds so lady like.
    I really do hope to see some pictures on your blog :)
    Now, is the time of year to hold steady as we are all itching to do something. I want to just get up and go somewhere, but I dont wanna leave home :)
    Blessings and His favor always, Roxy

  8. What a beautiful name for your grand-daughter. I know you must be beside yourself to get ahold of that little angel. You really made me think about the garden, but with my possible move in April, I miss out this year. :(
    Thank you so much for your kind words. I see that we do have things in common and I look forward to sharing more. Enjoy the snow and maybe the spring will bring you rain. I am praying for that as well.
    Blessings to you,

  9. What an exciting time for your family with so much going on!!

    I am thrilled beyond words about Himilce's baby. What a precious sweetheart she is!! :)
