
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Come to the Table

A lovely table; it is the symbol of having a special place of welcome,  comfort and joy.  It is a picture of hospitality, it is a place of fellowship, and if peace and harmony are at the head of the table, it is a sweet and  wonderful place to be.  All through History, our Heavenly Father has welcomed those who will come to His table;  if we "would" come.  In the same way we desire to be with the ones we love,  He desires to be with us.   In Matthew 22: 1-14, Jesus tells the parable of the king who gave a feast for his son and called the invited to come to the feast he had prepared... but they would not come, and so He invited others...  In Revelation, He has prepared a feast for us, and we, again, are all invited, if we will just answer the invitation.  He is our gracious Host our wonderful example of love and welcome, of invitation and hospitality all we need do is respond.

I love to set a pretty table.  For  for special celebrations, I usually prepare and decorate my table a day or two ahead, because if I don't prepare ahead, it becomes a  burden  that piles up and overwhelms me.  Its the creative "preparation" I enjoy, so I set aside the time for that.    Just think that  Jesus also, is  "preparing" for us.  He went to prepare a place for us, and that at the right time, He will come and receive us to Him.  He also has taken great delight in preparing a table and a home for us.

This year for the Easter/Resurrection Sunday, our celebration was smaller than it has been in times past.  But it was very sweet, and precious.  I enjoyed decorating and cooking for Steve, Eddie, my friend Roxy (whose husband had to work that day) and myself.  Because of the Holiday, I have had table settings on my mind;  I like to collect table settings on Pinterest, and love to see them in magazines and blogs.  My Mom, my Mother in law, and my friend Barbara  have always set the loveliest tables that inspired me; So, I wanted to start a little  collection here of "Table Settings" to share with you as well.

As I was in the process of writing this post, I was popping in and catching up with blogging friends, and saw that Ann on Eight Acres of Eden also did a post on her Holiday table, so I am going to link her today, because it was such a great post and I thought you would really be blessed by it.

My Mom and my girls and I have a love for dishes of all sorts; especially blue dishes.

 This platter came from England.  My Mom got it there when we lived there years ago;  I was a little girl, at that time.   She has allowed me to enjoy many of  her dishes and her lovely silverware.

This is an old picture I took when I was getting ready to clean my silver several years ago.  I have silverware from my Mom and my Grandma Flossie.  It is one of my favorite things.

These blue dishes are dishes that Mom and Dad got for their wedding.  

Little additions make a pretty table.

    Remember that even though the days are sometimes dark and difficult,  He promised to
"Prepare a table for us....."

   "You  prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies."

Psalm 23:5



  1. Very pretty post. What an elegant table set for a queen.
    Your silverware is so pretty. Loved the Robin blue dishes.
    Those wee little nests were so cute.
    May the Meadow Larks sing their hearts out!
    Blessings, Roxy

  2. The title of your post reminded me of the song of the same name by Michael Card which was about the Last Supper. I think the first line was 'Come to the table and savour the sight'. Your Easter table is lovely Pam - do like your blue goblets. I had two 'antique green' ones which were my favourites but alas they are one now as I knocked one off the table the other day when trying to find my mobile in the dark! Your silverware is beautiful and so wonderful that it has been passed onto you. You know the saddest thing about my little business is the elderly ladies who come to my stall to admire the china and tell me they have all this beautiful china they want to pass on to their daughters but their children don't want it. The dear old lady I bought my Royal Albert dinner set from was thrilled when I pointed out her teapot in the picture on my banner. Thank you for linking to my post. I have always held onto the conviction that the most important piece of furniture in a home is the table. I've been rather convicted by reading about Edith Schaeffer who always put flowers and candles on the table at every meal no matter how busy she was. Having enjoyed setting my Easter table so much I have determined to make more of an effort for the everyday meals too. Have you read the eulogy for Edith Schaeffer by her son? It's very moving but at the same time sad because he turned his back on his parents faith and that disdain for his father still shows through but despite his rebellion, it's obvious his mother and the atmosphere she created at home had a profound effect on him.
    So lovely that Roxy could join you and thanks for sharing your photos too. I do love your spring header!

  3. Lovely post Pam! Such a beautiful gift to your guests, when they arrive and see all the detail you've put into your table setting. Preparation in anticipation of a good visit with those close to your heart. Thank you for the lovely reminder of our Heavenly Father and the preparations He is now making for us, what a glorious day when we all see Him and what He has for us. Good to be back reading, I've missed all my blog buddies!

  4. What a beautiful table setting, as always. So lovely and inviting for your guests to see how much thought and effort you have put into it. I know I have been inspired by some of your past table settings you have shared in the past, so thank you!

    I love your dishes and cutlery too. The blues are so pretty.

  5. Oh my goodness, Pam! I love this post! I love your little planters with the flowers! This post was just so inspiring. Your table setting was simple and not intimidating. Sometimes you see these pics for these big, elaborate, very expensive looking settings that just tend to intimidate and overwhelm me rather than inspire me! I love this one! I wish I could come sit and chat at your table! I think we'd have lots to talk about! And I love your wine goblets? The blue? Love it! Have you had them long? Where did you get them?

  6. Amber,
    Thanks for your sweet comments. The little planters are just the little containers the flowers came in covered over with scrapbooking paper (any easy and cheap little trick). The goblets were my Mom's; She has had them for quite a while. Let me see, I can't remember where she got them. maybe Pier 1; that's a possibility.
