
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

GOOT (Garlic and Oil Ointment)

Have you ever heard of Goot?
I hadn't heard of it until my friend on "Knights and Maiden's Gathering" talked about it.
So I looked into it a little more.  Goot means "Garlic Oil Ointment"

It is used as an antibacterial ointment, and also as a poultice, that helps put anti-biotic properties into your blood stream when you are sick.  I have put it on my lips when I have felt a cold sore coming on, and guess what?   "no cold sore".... its great... and makes me smell like an appetizer to my Hubby... hahaha.

You can put a little on a bandaid and put it on your feet so that it will soak into your blood stream,
or onto a  cut to act as an anti bacterial ointment... the coconut oil in it also has anti-bacterial properties.  It is soothing and healing.  I don't like it on my hands, because the raw garlic inflames my hands ( I have sensitive skin... eczema, and any raw vegetables on my hands makes them react pretty badly;   but I don't think most people have that problem).


3 Tablespoons Olive oil
3 Tablespoons Coconut oil
3 Tablespoons chopped Garlic (you can do this by hand or with blender)

Mix together, and store in the fridge in a little jar up to a week*
When  you are sick, slather it on the bottom of your feet and put a sock over it; or put it on a bandaid for the little ones and put it on their feet and then a sock over it.  You can also put it on their chest for a cough.  Put it onto cuts, or bites and cover with a band aide, put it on your lips to heal a cold sore  or when you feel one coming on to prevent it; I can tell you from experience that it worked well.  I think there are probably a few applications you could think up yourself, when you realize that garlic and coconut oil are anti-viral and antiseptic, and coconut oil is
also anti-fungal.   Give it a try.

  If some one has skin sensitivities, try a little in a small place first to see if it works with no reaction... I only say this because of my own skin sensitivities... the rest of the family doesn't have them, so no problem for them.

* Note:  This should be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. 

Give this a try... It is an easy natural remedy that works.  I think you will like it.

Have a great week!

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