
Monday, July 8, 2013

Fourth of July Fun

Here's a few highlights from our Fourth of July Celebration.  I had mentioned in the previous post that we went to the Parade. This year it was a packed out crowd.  People had been reserving parking spots the previous night.  The traffic was thick coming into Pueblo West.  It was the place to be this Fourth of July, since fireworks have been prohibited for the last two years.  I think people were feeling so happy to have something fun to do that didn't contribute to burning the state down... if you know what I mean.  I wish it weren't so dry, because I do miss those days when we used to be able to do fireworks with the kids; especially the boys, who always love fireworks;  A community water fight/parade definitely works as a great replacement; (Click here for previous post on water parade)   We had fun meeting up with many friends unexpectedly, and overall it was joyous.

 Roxy, Amy and Julie

 Eddie (second from left) with friends from church.

 Friend Kenny and Pastor Rich

 Barry and Roxy

 Clayton on top of the truck waiting next to the big water tank.

 A friend, Joe, and Steve and Eddie relaxing while they wait for the parade to start (and staying amazingly dry while all around them are already getting doused with water).

 Eddie got in the middle of it all this year!!! yea!  
leaving behind his reluctance to get wet or join in.

  Noah ready for some action.  He is also the cute little boy in the top picture waiting for the parade to begin.

  No loyalty even among family members.

 Friends Kathy, Angela, Roxy, and Kathy's precious grandbabies.

I don't think there is any way to avoid getting wet. 

 Kenny and Angela have been hosed. 

Afterwards, we went home, cleaned up, gathered our food and went over to Roxy and Dannys for  food and fun. We all brought/made food, and hung out, while the kids swam.

Beef Brisket

 German Potato Salad


Baked Beans, "Kicken Mac N' Cheese" (I am going to have to do a post on that one one day... our friend Melinda  brought it; it is mac n cheese with jalapeños, and it was gooood), and Pasta/Tuna salad.

Fresh Garden Salad.

A wonderful meal, and a delightful day with friends.

The water looks good to me how about you? I'm thinking I would like to be in that water today.  I sure wish it would rain.

Our friend Julie can still do the Hula Hoop... I'm afraid to even try.

Good friends are like family.
Amy, Roxy, and Melinda

“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”
― William Shakespeare

“It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?” 
― A.A. MilneWinnie-the-Pooh


  1. Pam it looks like you guys had so so much fun. The food looks amazing. I sure wish we could have been there to celebrate with you all. Thanks for the photos I felt like I was there with you all!!

  2. That is one of our family's favorite quotes from Winnie the Pooh :-)

    I love the super soaking parade!! Our parade had some water balloons thrown but nothing like yours :-) Love it!

    Such a great day to visit with friends and eat ;-)


  3. Dear Pam, Your memory is excellent. Your words just brought it all back! We did have great fun!
    You're so right about friends and food and the love of Christ is just flowing. We do love this great country and we are so blessed to be able to celebrate and enjoy our many freedoms...
    Your pictures are amazing!
    Thanks for making every get- together. special!!
    The brisket and rolls were so yummmmmy! Your such a good cook!
    Blessings, Roxy

  4. What a wonderful day w/ friends!
    That jalapeno mac and cheese thing has my mouth watering and it's only 7:18 in the morning here!

  5. Oh Pam, how you blessed my heart seeing all those wonderful pictures! It was such an awesome day and we are the blessed ones to be able to have such a huge family to share these specials days with!
    Love ya so much,

  6. Those pictures really show your day well. It looks so hot though! I know I would be glad of the water guns, hoses and the pool!

    So lovely you got to spend the day with close friends.
