
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Iced Tea With Mint

Iced Tea With Mint

In the summertime, I drink gallons of Iced Tea with Mint. The mint adds such a refreshing aspect to the tea that is addicting to me when it is so hot.

Steve's grandparents used to serve mint tea with every dinner time meal.  They used to put mint extract into the tea. It  tasted good, and made a happy memory for us.  Now its what we do ... only with fresh mint.  I like to serve it in the cowboy glasses... the way they did.  You may not have cowboy glasses, but this ice tea is bound to quench the thirst of any cowboy or cowgirl.


1 gallon sized glass  jar
1 family sized tea bag (or  8-10 small bags)
7 or 8  stem and leaf cuttings of fresh mint
Good water

Simple Instructions

Put all ingredients into a gallon sized glass jar, fill up with water and brew 2-4 hours  in the sun.  Sometimes I just fill the jar half full of hot water, add the tea bag or bags and steep for  10 minutes or until I have a nice strong brew,  remove the tea bags and add cold water to fill to the top.  Add mint and allow to sit for an hour or two to develop the mint flavor before serving.  I leave the mint leaves in the jar until the tea is gone, I  rinse them and re-use them in a second batch... they don't wilt, and are still fresh for at least two batches.

 The last week and a half we have been blessed with rain... more than just a few drops.  It filled up our creek, which has been dry for 2 years now... it filled up the ponds and the rivers, saturated our ground and resurged our well (which was beginning to worry us).  We are so thankful.
There is a little waterfall on the left of the picture... it spills over from the irrigation ditch above it.  Every spring we look forward to hearing it rush and over flow.  But we haven't enjoyed it the last two years.  Look at it now.

The frogs are croaking away.  I like to hear them at night.  They need to be refreshed just like we do.  Thank you Lord for refreshing us.

 "....To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.." Revelation 21:6


  1. Oh Pam, Praise God for the glorious rain He has given you!
    I pray your wells our filled to overflowing...
    Your tea looks minty refreshing and mouth watering!
    I appreciate your comment on my last post. Your an amazing Godly woman. So glad you support me in all I do!
    Your a treasure Ms.Pammy
    Blessings Always, Roxy

  2. Yes, I agree with Roxy... May your wells be overflowing and then some!! So happy you have been getting the rain!
    Oh yummy.. that tea looks very refreshing. And, I just happen to have fresh mint in the garden. I think I might have to go cut some and make this today. After all, I am in need of some more fresh iced tea!!
    I hope you have a great week. AND, you will be missed at my party!!
    Love You,

  3. Praise the Lord for your rain!
    The tea looks very good, my husband likes ice tea and we make a lot in the summer but have not tried it with mint. I will have to give it a try when I can get some fresh mint. Like your cowboy glasses!
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Hope you stop over again. I have enjoyed checking out your blog so much.
    Have a great night.

  4. Your tea looks wonderful! We have lots of mint growing and I always love plucking some and adding it to something here and there.

    Last week I added it to the Green Mojito Good Girl Moonshine that I made. YUM!

    Croaking frogs..... :-)


  5. Mmm Mmmm you might have to make me some of this when I come to you on Sunday! Yippee! I can't wait! I also can't believe the river!! I haven't seen it like this since when I was in my teens! And its the summer time, not the spring! Praise the Lord!

    Miss those cowboy cups, bring back such happy memories mom!

    ~ Marie

  6. So pleased you for some rain at last! We had nearly a month with no rain over here, which is almost unheard of even in the summer! This week we had some thunderstorms and a few heavy downpours and now it is dry again which is nice!

    I love the look of your iced tea. I've always fancied making iced tea but have always been put off by the amount of sugar in most recipes.
