
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Alaskan Cruise Part 2

Day 5:  Skagway

We glide quietly into Skagway in the early morning. Breakfast is wonderful in the dining room.  Dad and I finally get our Eggs Benedict (we had been hungry for Egg's Benedict for the last few days).  Sat in the dining room with a family from Israel; A Gramma  and  Grampa  and 2 of their grandchildren.   They have taken all of their grandchildren on trips all over the world; I love that.  I think they said these two grandchildren were their youngest, and this was the children's first trip/cruise with Gramma and Grampa.  We enjoyed them very much; We're to see them  constantly throughout our journey after this. The little boy is friendly to us and likes to practice his english with us.  I'd love to practice my Hebrew but of course I only know about 15 words... and mostly from  the New Testament; probably not a good idea.  But I do feel a longing to speak to them.  To say something nice; say it in Hebrew.  It will have to be from my heart and prayers instead.  We compare  excursion notes each time we see them.  It is sweet.  

And now we are off. Skagway is the gateway to the Klondike Gold Rush. The history of the Gold Rush is very interesting.  Town exploration and shopping are the plans for the morning.

Here's my Dad waving at us from the ship... he stayed behind from the morning expedition.

Love this Alaskan creativity.

The Salmon were going back upstream to spawn and then die.
 It was so interesting to get to see them.

At one spot, people were reaching into the river to catch them by hand.... so fun to catch them so easily,  but they are not good to eat at this stage, they are dying and rotting from the inside out; they are getting mushy.  Not too appetizing is it?

I love this lady.  "I caught one, I caught one."  Her smile will always be in my heart.

Everyone was so fascinated by them; He he he  This reminds me of "Alaskan bears" fishing.

The most photographed building in Alaska

In the afternoon, we took a tour  up the Klondike Highway to the Summit.  What an amazing view  at the top of that summit.  Look at how clear and green the water is in these little lakes.  It is because the glaciers melt into them; the minerals from the glaciers makes them this color.
At dinner everyone talks about their excursions and what they did, what they saw.  I always enjoy that.

Note to myself: Next trip to Alaska, be sure to sign up for the whale sighting boat excursion.

The boat sets sale and slips back quietly down the Sound at about 8:00 P.M.

I could look and look and look at The Lord's  amazing creation and never grow tired of it.

 Rainy overcast turns into glorious golden sunset.  Watch as the sun goes down in the next 3 pictures.

Day 6: Glacier Bay
Glacier melt comes down from these waterfalls into the ocean; and again creates that beautiful turquoise green water... so beautiful; you might think you were in the Caribbean.

Here's something I learned about Glaciers.  When a large chunk of ice sheers off and falls into the water it is said that the glacier is "calving"; Like a cow calves... well that  is a new idea to me.  I never did find out how or why they called it  "Calving", and have even looked it up at home trying to find out.

Day 7: At Sea,  College Fjord and Prince William Sound

One last "At Sea" day.   Steve and Dad play plenty of Backgammon.  I enjoy  walking around the promenade deck, reading and resting.  I have one more tea.  We have to pack today, and have our bags ready right after dinner.  They will begin collecting them and getting them ready to move them smoothly to the next destination for us.  It feels sad.  I know I have  eaten my fill... and its time to go; but I like the ship, and the comforting feeling of being on it.  We have another Formal Dinner  and dress up one more time.  They have the Chiefs dinner tonight, and a special parade of our amazing chiefs through the dining room.  It is like a celebration.  They serve Baked Alaska for dessert. 
 This is the farthest out  to sea we've been so far on this trip.

 Each aspect is lovely.

 We work our way back into the Fjords and least thats my understanding of it.  The nights have been getting longer the further up we go.  But the days are turning back around for Alaska; to an earlier sunset as Fall is beginning here.

More to come.... click here for  Part 3


  1. So amazingly beautiful, Pam. The sea, mountains, clouds, sunsets ... just stunning.

  2. Wow gorgeous pictures!! and I couldn't help but laugh at all the tourist peering over into the river looking at the fish...after living in Alaska all I can think of is the bear hiding and watching hehehe wondering what is going on at his favorite fishing hole lol!! what great memories Love Heather

  3. The pictures are just stunning! I can't believe how beautiful it is! Thank you for updating so quickly Mom!! Heheh :) You know I have been so impatient! I love you!!

  4. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!!!!!

    I am so glad you and Steve got to go on this amazing adventure!

    God is Good!

    Love you,
