
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Second Hand Treasures

When I was in Phoenix, my daughter Marie and I spent one morning antiquing.  We started our shopping spree at the Scottsdale Goodwill, and never got any farther.  They were having 1/2 off on everything, and we both found some treasures.  My two favorite second hand treasures to find, are tea cups and classic books. I did hit my mark this time around, with these Mikasa Italian Countryside Dishes.  I found this set of 8 cups and saucers for 80 cents (for each cup and saucer set).  And a stack of hard bound classics that I didn't already have (except for the Jane Eyre, which I found that I already have 2 nice hard bound copies here at home... somebody is getting a gift).   These aren't "old" in the sense that I usually like, but they were nice, and I snagged them.

We have had some cold weather around here; and a little snow. This was the view from our bedroom a day or two ago... we've had a tad more snow since, and temperatures have been getting below zero. I think today I will try to find a quiet moment to enjoy a nice, hot, cup of tea in one of these new cups, and delightful read in one of these new books  and stay in with the warm cozy fire.  How about you?  What are you all up to?


  1. Good Morning,
    It is 5:00 am.And I am up early because someone needed to man the fire. It said it is -7 degrees.
    I just posted and I saw one you had done popped up so golly, I get to be the first comment. See the early Bird does get the worm :o)
    I just hope I am not tired all day!
    Those cups and saucers were just so lovely I love the all white anymore.
    Goodwill in Scottsdale, sounds like an oxymoron!
    Thanks for all your tips dear friend, Love...Roxy

  2. Beautiful treasures, Pam!
    Blessings :-)

  3. Beautiful dishes Mom! Perfect for a Valentine party ;) Delightful books too! Thank you for the gorgeous picture of the snow. I just showed Winston and he can't wait!!!

    Enjoy your peaceful moment :)

  4. Oh, pretty cups and wonderful! And gotta love that pooping cow in the pic! HA! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  5. Those are beautiful finds! I LOVE thrifting. At this point I'm usually on the hunt for clothing or shoes for the girls, and books. I have a horrible book addiction. :o) They don't even have to be beautiful hardbound classics, but someday I will get to that. White dishes are so classy and versatile! The view our you window is incredible! We're on snow day six or seven here. The children are ALL home again today. I tried to venture out to go to a doctor's appt., but had to turn around and come back. The roads were terrible!


  6. Hi. I found your blog through the Mayo family.. It is lovely and your recipes sound wonderful..
    Your dishes are very nice, too..
    God bless..
