
Monday, March 31, 2014

Ginger Peach Muffins

Ginger Peach Tea is one of my favorite teas.  Its one of those teas that I can drink cup after cup of.  I was craving pot of it this week, but there was not one tea bag of it left to be found in my house.  I did have fresh ginger and homemade peach preserves, however, so my imagination started stirring and I came up with these Ginger Peach Muffins.  I decided a muffin with these same two flavors would be delicious.  I think I mentioned a few posts back, that I have been using sprouted whole wheat flour lately, and am liking it very much.  Sprouted whole wheat flour is much easier on you blood sugar levels, and is considered low on the glycemic index; where as white flour is considered high on the glycemic index,  and even un-sprouted wholewheat flour is higher on the glycemic index scale than sprouted wheat.  Sprouted wheat has quite a few other benefits also(which I may post about one of these days) thus the reason I have been giving the sprouted whole wheat flour a try.  You could, no doubt, use any whole grain, or gluten free flour that you like.

These really came out delicious and moist, with that little bite of fresh ginger, and the sweetness of peach.  They were perfect with a nice pot of black tea, which I  enjoyed thoroughly when these were hot out of the oven.

Gather together ingredients.

Put dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix thoroughly.

Mix wet ingredients together in a mixing bowl,  or glass measuring cup.  Mix thoroughly and combine with dry ingredients, stirring until all is well mixed.   

Fill prepared muffin cups half way with batter.   Press an indentation in the batter with a tablespoon, and put a teaspoon of peach preserves into each indentation.  Top with enough batter to come almost to the top of the muffin cup.

Bake in a 350 degree preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.

Remove from oven and allow to cool.

Remove from tins.  Serve warm with butter.

They do come out moist and delicious.

Now for that pot of tea.

Ginger Peach Muffins
3 cups Sprouted Whole Wheat flour (any whole grain flour is fine).
1 cup  SucanatCoconut sugar, or Xylitol
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup melted butter
1 1/2 cups buttermilk
2 teaspoons vanilla
1/4 cup grated fresh ginger (grate with a fine grater, pulling away excess fibers before adding to recipe. If you get a few fibers in the muffin… it will only add to the benefits, but be aware that you may get them).
Peach preserves or jam (I used homemade sugar free).  You will need 1 teaspoon per muffin.

  1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Put all of the dry ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix together.
  3. Put all wet ingredients, including ginger in a mixing bowl or measuring bowl and mix together well.
  4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well (by hand is fine) until thoroughly mixed together.
  5. Fill prepared muffin tins half way with batter.
  6. Hollow out a little hole in the batter in each muffin cup.
  7. Put a teaspoon of peach preserves into each muffin cup.
  8. Spoon batter over the top of each, filling almost to the top.
  9. Bake for 18-20 minutes.
Makes 18 muffins


  1. Yum! I haven't bought sprouted flour yet, but I hope to soon. I love ginger peach tea too. These muffins look marvelous.


  2. Hello Pam, I have always loved little muffins! I have never tried sprouted flour, not sure how to go about that. I was planning on making some chocolate chip ones myself today. I guess I better get busy, okay, I will wait till after my nap :o)
    Blessings, Roxy

  3. Howdy Pam! I have never even heard of sprouted flour. Do you make it your self or do you buy it? See.. I have learned something new today. I guess I can take a nap now. :)

    These muffins do look good. Another great recipe for my growing collection. I need to get on the ball and bake something too, but I don't quite feel like it. It must be the wind and the blowing dirt and the... nope, just don't feel like it today. Maybe tomorrow....

    I hope you aren't too wind blown up in your neck of the woods.


  4. Mom, these muffins sound and look so good! What a great idea! You are so brilliant. I wish so bad I could come over and have a pot of tea with you and eat some right now.

    I love your pictures. They look like they came out of a gorgeous cook book and the recipe tops it off!!

    Love you and miss you
    ~ Marie
