
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Winter and Spring

I have been longing for spring and to be outside in the garden… but we aren't quite there yet.  It has been cold and windy.  That wind deters my longing to go outside.  The cozy fire in the stove is where I'm going to be for a little longer.  It feels like winter and spring have gone to battle; I'm not worried though, try as it might, winter can't prevail forever; spring is right around the corner.  Eddie has spring break next week, after all.  It will surely warm up then right?

We have done some spring cleaning inside and out, and that feels really good.  I got our kitchen cabinets, refrigerator and pantry cleaned out, and Steve got the outside cleaned, raked, swept and ready for gardening.   We have had a couple of nice spring snow storms that have brought some much needed moisture, and then it melted quickly into the ground, and within a day we were  seeing a little of that green grass we've been longing for.  The meadow larks started singing last week. I love the sound of them;  to me it is a sound of hope and joy. 

Like my longing for spring, I have also been impatient for spring flowers; I decided to induce my own springtime in the house anticipating the outside will follow soon enough.   Steve bought me some flowers, and I clipped and arranged them into all variety of jars, vases and glass bowls.   And now I have the beginning of my spring-time garden.  They bless me every time I come into the dining room and kitchen.

See! The winter is past;
the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.
 The fig tree forms its early fruit;
the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come, my darling;
my beautiful one, come with me.”

Song of Solomon 2:11-13


  1. And here I am longing for some cooler days. We have had a last blast of summer and with it those dreadful midgies that bite. I love those white flowers and the variety of vessels you have used Pam. You have a very thoughtful husband. Thank you for your comment at my blog. That post has been on my heart for some time. I'm attending a ladies event this weekend. I'm wondering whether or not to raise with someone in leadership the tight age segregation of the small groups. It was so disconcerting to realize I was too old for many of the groups! I don't think that is what heaven is going to be like - all the older mothers shoved in one corner!
    Do not know how I found the time to even get this post up. We had our 'big' wedding recently that we hired and styled for. Big in sense of how much we were involved in the planning with complete place settings of vintage china and many other aspects of the decor. It was a huge success and I loved every moment, taking care of all the details and people noticed. All the work we put into it was worth it.
    My son has moved out of home now having landed himself a good job with a software company but he's not too far away, about 2 1/2 hours drive. He'll be home for Easter.
    I do hope spring comes your way soon. Thank you for your continuing friendship, it has been a blessing in my life!

  2. Your flower photos are just gorgeous .

    As you enter spring, our days aren't as warm as a month ago and the night are quite cool. Winter is on its way and I'm looking forward to it. I love the four seasons:)))

  3. beautiful post!!!
    those flowers are gorgeous! I'm not quite ready to pack in my sweats and scarves though. ;-)
    I LOVE you!!! Bunches and Gobs!!

  4. All of sudden we are all longing for spring here. Even the children are moaning about winter coats, winter boots, and the bitter cold that is still engulfing us when we step out the door. Today it is actually raining. It makes for a muddy mess, but we're seeing more and more lawn, so that is encouraging. I'm thinking I may need to buy myself a bouquet when I do groceries this week. It definitely brightens things up when we're desperate for warmer days and sunshine. Blessings!

  5. Ezra, Zane and I are sitting together on the couch going through your lovely pictures. Those flowers in the window are beautiful. I am so glad you have them to look at while you finish with the winter snows. Dad is so sweet to get them for you.
    You can tell him that they have been enjoyed all the way from Scottsdale.
    I feel so peaceful reading about your spring cleaning and you looking for spring. It has been a treat to just arrive and stay awhile here.

    I love you
    ~ Marie

  6. Your photos are so very beautiful (as always) Pam! I love the sound of the birds when they begin to sing again...yes, it does give hope! Yippee for a clean fridge and pantry...that always feels SO good! :) Happy Spring to you...yes, it will win out over the winter. Blessings, Camille

  7. Stunning pictures Mom!!! I love the scripture at the end, so beautiful. Even though we don't get much of a cold winter here, it has been raining consistently almost the entire season. I am so eager for the sunshine to return :)

    Thoroughly enjoying catching up on your blog!

    I love you!

