
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Favorite Bed

Hey Guys, We are home again.  We got in yesterday evening.  It is nice to be back home.  I love to travel, and see family and get a breath of fresh air.  It is very important to get away and get a change of perspective now and then; and yet, there is also something about returning home to your own bed that can't be beat.  Of course we don't always appreciate our own beds, until we have been away from them.  Then upon returning home there is the sweet sigh of satisfaction that comes when you remember how much you love your own bed.  Yes, my favorite bed is the one at home.

We had a wonderful trip I have a few more pictures to add to my last post.  All was well here when we turned down our own dirt road.  The grass has gotten green, the trees are beginning to bud, the pond is full… we must have gotten some good moisture.  Here are the last of the pictures from our trip.  We went from Sedona to Phoenix, where we visited family, and Steve did some business.
These next 7 pictures are in a pretty little area in Sedona called Tlaquepaque. 

We enjoyed time with my Dad and Kathy, and were even able to see my Aunt and Uncle this time around.  Dad and Kathy in the middle with my Aunt Lou (Dad's sister) and Uncle Bryce.   What a treat it was to get to see them.  They are an inspiration to us

 Marie made us a wonderful breakfast of scones and eggs  the morning we left. 

 Here is a picture of our journey home.   We went through dessert and mountain, and 3 snow storms.

 Have a lovely week everyone.


  1. Loved you photos, especially the ones taken in the mountains, glad you made it safely home

  2. Dear Pam, I am so glad you are home!
    I missed you soooo much.
    I do agree with you about loving are own comfy bed best! We did get one big rain storm. So enjoyed your pictures, loved the black and white ones so vintage!! Can I use one???

    Call me! Roxy

  3. Oh Mom i am DEVOURING your pictures!!! I wish I didn't have to rush out the door right now!!! I love you!!!

  4. Welcome home Pam! I am trying to pop by my closest friends in blogland and leave a comment here and there as I don't know when my next post will happen. I have a bridal fair coming up and we are spending a night away from home visiting a city we have never been to before. I hope we will have time to find some antique and thrift stores the day before the fair. Tlaquepaque looks like my kind of place - what beautiful pavement cafes! On Friday I will catch up with our friends who share your surname. They have just returned from the States and they also did road trips through snow storms and dessert. I know they went to Oregon, California, Nevada and Utah. I will ask them if they went to Arizona or Colorado. They would have been on the road around the same time!
    I will email soon and tell you all about the bridal fair.

  5. Oh Pammy, it's been a long time since I have come for a visit. I have been so sick and I am now on the mend.... I love all your photos, they are just gorgeous! Looks like you had a wonderful vacation. I am so glad you are home safe!

    I went down a few posts and saw those rolls and I must say, they look yummy! I might just have to make those. The boys would dig the marshmallow centers... Oh yeah!

    I hope you and Steve get to feeling better soon. I'll be praying for you and if there's anything we can do to help you guys out, let me know.

    Love Ya,

  6. I enjoyed your photos, felt like I went on a small holiday to the US:)) from the comfort of my favourite chair. Like you,whilst I like holidays, I very much like my own bed and being at home.
