
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Eat Your Vegetables

"Eat Your Vegetables"!  Yes, most of us heard those words while we were growing up.  And it is good instruction, because we need to eat our vegetables.  But, unfortunately, I find myself in a vegetable rut over and over again.  It seems like I fix the same vegetables week in and week out;  I struggle to have any enthusiasm in preparing them.  So I have decided its time for a change… its time to have an upgrade in my vegetable attitude.  I decided to begin an "Eat Your Vegetables" series.  I am going to work on stirring up some vegetable inspiration. I am hoping to bring new life into the preparing, making, serving and eating of vegetables in this next season… if for no one else, at least for myself.  With Summer on its way, many of us will be inundated with some wonderful vegetables from the garden or farmers market, this will be a good time to build up some creative inspiration and perhaps there will be a lot more vegetable eating going on around here.   I would love to hear from any of you; what you do to keep plenty of vegetables on the breakfast, lunch or dinner table?

Be sure to check in for some fresh veggie recipes or ideas that will be posted off and on through the summer months and check under my "Garden Recipes" list on my "Home Cooking" Page.


  1. Great idea Pam! I mostly fix the same veggies over and over again, too. I am sure your posts will breathe inspiration into my kitchen. Thank you. And...HUGS! :)

  2. Looking forward to this Pam, my husband and I recently bought a 1/2 share in a local CSA (Community Shared Agriculture) and get a basket of local produce weekly, it's only been three weeks and I am finding it challenging to come up with new ideas on how to prepare all these lovely veggies.

  3. oh man, the bowl of veggies looks so delish! since prego i've been craving veggies straight from the garden...yum!! :)

  4. Dear Pam, I prefer my vegetables warmed a little bit, lightly steamed. And salad is the old standby! I think the best and the newest idea for me has been roasting them in the oven!
    Yet in the summer it is a bit harder with the heat that the oven produces. Looking forward to what you come up with!
    Blessings, Roxy

  5. Great idea!! I love vegetables and coming up with new ways to serve them is something I'll love!! :)

  6. Great idea, will be watching for some new ideas. I also tend to make the same ones. I do like to grill veggies in the summer. Had our first grilled asparagus tonight for supper.

    Your green beans look very good, will need to try them this summer.

    Have a wonderful week.

  7. We eat a LOT of salads in the summer months. I love salads!
