
Monday, May 12, 2014

The Love of a Good Man

To be blessed and honored on Mother's Day  encourages our hearts to keep on keeping on doesn't it Moms? The older I get, the more sentimental I get about what my children do…. the precious gifts they send or give and the cards or notes they write, or  the phone calls  saying "Happy Mother's Day Mom, I miss you".  Those are truly things I treasure in my heart.   There are different seasons with our children and how they show their love and affection, changes as they grow; each season is very special; I am thankful for their love above almost all things.  Likewise, to be blessed and honored by a good man is something I am very thankful for.  In addition to the kids, Steve has always made Mother's Day something special for me.  He has set the example over the years of blessing me and honoring me, and I love him for it.  I don't have expectations of perfection or "Superman; I don't have expectations of "Super Children", but to me thats what they are.

Men take plenty of bashing these days… way too much. It bothers me when I hear the world proclaim terrible things over the men that God created.  We need to bless our guys; give them honor and credit for all the amazing things they do (whether they cook  or not); they are amazing creations of God, and how wonderful is the way our Heavenly Father designed the love of a man and a woman for each other.

Every year at Mother's Day and often on my birthday Steve cooks something special for me. He makes me breakfast in bed…. yes, he really does.  He's the best breakfast cooker I know.  One of my favorite breakfasts, is Eggs Benedict.  Steve knows this and on Mother's Day, he makes it for me himself.  It is so delicious, that I think it must be one of the meals we are going to have in heaven.

When Steve was a young man, he used to work for an outfitter/guide at a ranch that provided hunting and fishing expeditions.  He would take groups into the mountains with pack mules, and set them up, cook for them etc.  He enjoyed that work very much.  He was a great cowboy cook and still is even to this day.  Eggs Benedict may not make the menu for most Cowboy fishing or hunting expeditions, but that hasn't stopped this Cowboy from learning how to make it for me.  He is a wonderful man.  This week I got to eat Eggs Benedict twice.  The first time was Sunday for Mother's Day morning.  the second time was today, because I decided I wanted to blog about it and Steve obliged by making it again… I helped the second time, and had the fun of taking the pictures.  So yes, the recipe is coming soon… and whether your the lady of the house or the man of the house… your going to love the recipe.

Thanks Steve,  for all of your love; for all of the thoughtful things you do, for the way you honor and desire to bless me. Thank you for all the wonderful years, and for teaching our children to be like you in this way. Thank you for the gifts, the flowers and the meals that you so thoughtfully gave to me; thank you for listening to me when I needed to talk, for enjoying me when I needed you to enjoy, for loving our children and always being willing to figure me out and help me out and take me out… Wow, I am so blessed and I love you so much.  

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves
Romans 12:10


  1. Dear Pam, What a lovely tribute to your Hubby! He is a good man, and you are blessed he can cook!
    I love to show honor to the men the good Lord has given us!
    I was blessed this Mothers Day!
    My heart to overflowing!
    Good to hear you had a lovely day!
    Love, Roxy

  2. What a lovely post. The eggs look delicious, looking forward to the recipe.

    It makes me sad to see women criticise or make fun of their husbands. Even Christian ones. It seems to have become the acceptable thing to do, to point out their flaws but I wonder how these women would feel if the tables were turned and their husband spoke of them that way?!

  3. I already shared with you my love for Eggs Benedict. But even more I agree with your thoughts on love and men. They do take such a beating and when you are blessed (as we are) with such wonderful husbands it's hard to take.

    I enjoy reading here because you share that love and it's beautiful, just like you!

