
Thursday, September 25, 2014


Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one’s youth.
Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them;
They shall not be ashamed,
But shall speak with their enemies in the gate.
Psalm 127:3-5

That is one of my favorite scriptures and I speak it often. I have found it to be fully true in our lives. I speak it to my children,  (my heritage and my rewards), because I take such joy in the blessing that they are to me… and their children also.  Their children are a reward, a heritage and a delight.
I went to Florida this week to visit those rewards, and partake of that wonderful heritage.
It went by very quickly… too quickly. My  daughters and son in laws blessed me very much It is always hard to go home... but always nice to go home to Steve… that is a reward also.

These 3 Musketeers are a hilarious, happy trio.  Three little boys, double cousins; so delightful.

We had lots of beach time this visit.   I never get tired of that.

 I'm flying home today after a lovely week in Florida.  I have 5 hours between flights…. perfect time to catch up on blogging.  Its quite a challenge these days to book a flight that doesn't have several hours in between flights, or doesn't leave at 6:00 A.M.  In this case I was able to get a flight that left later in the morning.  I was glad no one had to get up at 3:00 to get to the airport.  I had the sweetest send off from my girls and grandsons and now during a lay over in Atlanta,  I have a few extra hours to catch up on a few things on my computer.  

Hope you have the joy of your rewards this week everyone.  Thanks for all of your comments,
they are always appreciated


  1. SO glad you had that special time together with your girls and their children and hubbies. SUCH blessings! Ooohh...a five hour layover?? Happy blogging and happy home-coming. :) Love, Camille

  2. Dear Pam, These boys are growing up so fast! They look so sweet and precious and full of busyness! So what memory other than the beach and the hugs and smiles, was your favorite part?
    Love, Roxy

  3. Awwww that was so sweet Mom! I love reading this. It soothes my soul after your leaving. You are such a blessing to us and our family. Thanks so much for all your gifts of love and the time you spent with us.

    Love you!

  4. So glad you got to spend time with your grandchildren and family. Such precious times and memories.

    Your pictures are beautiful and can see you had an awesome time!

    Blessings, Cheryl
