
Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Day in the Life….

I have been soaking in the joy of 3 more grandkids last week and this. I 've been in North Carolina with my son Nathan and his precious Family.  What a wonderful time of catch up we are all having.

It has been pretty non-stop here, so if I haven't checked in with many of you, its because I can't seem to multi-task any more; at least not very well.  My words all come out misspelled and a little funny; but I will catch up with you all little by little.  I thought I would share a few pictures of some of our "doings".  Mostly just the cuteness of the grandkids… you know I can't resist.

We have had some lovely walks and drives, a campfire with hotdogs and "S'mores", a Farmers market, and plenty of running around to keep us non stop busy.  Still have a few more "special days" planned, and perhaps I will share them with you if I can get any good pictures.  I didn't bring my camera this time around… the ones I'm sharing are from my phone, via e-mail, so they are a little pixilated.

Here's the Number One grandson.  Hard to believe Elon is eight years old already.

and here's Asher; he's number two…..

And here is number 3 in Nathan's family (number 6 out of all of our grandchildren).
Little Elyse is getting bigger… and as ever is just scrumptious.  I can't get over her cuteness.

Nathan's tomatoes are still growing strong in late October.   He has a growing system where he uses aquaponics.  He grows Tilapia, and circulates the fish water through his vegetables.  I am loving learning all about it.  One of these days, when I have my camera with, I would love to take step by step pictures with him, and show you the whole thing…. another project for another time.

Love this one of Asher helping Elyse ride the scooter.

Campfires, hotdog roasts, s'mores… 

Elyse, on the run, after Church on Sunday.

See what I mean… "The Cuteness".

Have a great Week end everyone; I'll be back in a few days with a recipe.


  1. I am fascinated by the growing system your son has for his tomatoes. We don't have tomatoes growing anymore but our roses are still blooming. Enjoy your family, the grands are adorable

  2. I would love to hear about Nathan's aquaponics! (Maybe he'd like to guest post?) Thanks for sharing a bit of your family with us!

  3. Good to hear from you and see where you are. Having so much fun too! What a sweet time, visiting with family and making special memories.

    Such a lovely family~


  4. Hello Dear Pam, They are all just so precious MMMMM good! You are mightily blessed my dear friend!
    They have a lovely home also.
    Loved seeing those treasures of yours! Love, Roxy
    PS I also can hardly multi-task anymore.

  5. Oh I just drank up this post Mom! Thank you for sharing these precious photos!! They all look so AMAZING! And you still are the best multi-tasker I know :) I miss you SOOOO MUCH!

    Hopefully we will get to talk tomorrow :) I love ya tomorrow, its only a day awayyyyy :)

    Love you!!!!!

  6. Thanks for the comments Maryann and Jenn. I appreciate hearing from you. I do think I will post on the aquaponics at a later time, and look forward to it. It is very interesting, and I just loved seeing it all.

  7. What a delightful post mom!!! Roxy said it well, Mmmm Mmmmmm Mmmm, they ARE all SO precious!! You put big smiles on our faces this morning! Loved all the delicious pictures!!!

  8. Hello Pam!

    Yes... Full of CUTENESS indeed! I am so glad you were able to go down and spend some family time with everyone!

    Those grand kiddos are sure getting big! Don't you wish they could stay little for a little while longer? I at least do, with my own kiddos.

