
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Under The Bathroom Sink

Sometimes its a scary thing looking under the bathroom sink…. for me anyhow.  I do love to be organized, but some places in my house get out of control quicker than I like to admit.  Tupperware cabinets and bathroom sink cabinets are always in need of attention.  This week, it was time to do some revamping in my bathroom.

We did a little "Fall Cleaning" all around the house last week. I had my friend Barbara coming for a visit, which was a treat that I have been looking forward to for a long time. Steve was away from home at a Conference ( I got to join him over the weekend), and Barbara and I had some much needed and thoroughly enjoyed catch up time Wednesday, Thursday and part of Friday. Her up-coming visit inspired a goal to get my Fall cleaning done.

I began cleaning and re-organizing after I got back from North Carolina, by cleaning off my desk… the pile was huge. Once I began, I went through my closet and then under the bathroom sink… all in dire need. We were able to clean carpets and curtains as well, so I am feeling much more organized and much less scatter brained this week, and my sinus's are very thankful. I wanted to share my bathroom sink "re-organizing before and afters", perhaps it will encourage or inspire some ideas for you; I also want share a link to one of my favorite organizing inspirations.  I follow Alejandra Home Organizing on You Tube, and I just love her.  Here's what I did; as I began cleaning out, I put her videos on and listened to them.  It made me feel as if I had company while I worked… and she has some great ideas;
which I tried to implement.  I couldn't find the stackable organizers that she suggested, but found some clear plastic shoe boxes at the dollar store, which I used instead. I cleaned out, cleaned up, threw away, re-ordered and labeled my shoe boxes and turned my ugly duckling bathroom sink cabinet into an orderly, easy to manage cabinet.

 It appears that I have everything under here, but the kitchen sink, hehehe.  Yes, this is a very revealing mess.

Even after I begin to take everything out, there is still so much more.

Look at that not so pretty cabinet base.
A little scrubbing, a little cleaning …..
…and then… ahh much better.
I used some left over shelf liner from my kitchen make over to line the bottom of these cabinets, making it much nicer to look at, and much easier to clean up.

Next I organized all that I wanted to keep  under the sink, put it into the clear shoe boxes, and labeled the boxes.  I love this labeler… it has become one of my favorite tools of late.  I put all of those plastic bags into a ziplock (I use them inside my wastebasket).  Put extra cleaning supplies downstairs in the laundry room.

Now everything goes back in….

Its so much tidier… and I have room on the left to put my make up bag.  My drawers have more room in them also, so now everything is much easier to find and put away.  As Emily Barnes would say "From total Mess, to total Rest".

Click here to watch Alejandra's video: "How to Organize your Small Bathroom on a Budget".

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Yippee!! I *love* organizing and clearing out. It's high time I tackled more cupboards....maybe the bathroom will be next. Your freshly cleared out and organized space is lovely. :) Hugs, Camille

  2. I have been on a cleaning spree as of late myself, including under the bathroom sink. I think the bins are a great idea and redo mine to keep things organized. (I'm still in the midst of cleaning other cabinets/closets so will use this little tip, maybe I can stay organized this way.

  3. Wow Pam! I am shocked at how the first couple of pictures looked. Haha! I have been trying to clean out my cupboards a little at a time. Isn't it amazing how they all become a catch all space? And then within weeks or months, they become overflowing with the catch all stuff?

    I love how nice and organized it looks with those tubs. Tubs are so nice to store things in, especially when they are organized! :-)

    I hope you are having a great day and you are staying warm. I can't believe how frigid it is outside. So thankful for my wood stove.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  4. You really inspired me to get my cabinets cleaned and organized! I am seriously thinking about that amazing labeler!


  5. Wow!!! That looks amazing!
