
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Flowers and Vegetables and Me

This winter, I bought a bunch of pots, put them on my patio, filled them with dirt and planted flowers and vegetables in them. I don't have a big yard or any acreage for growing things, at the moment;  What I do have is a delightful little patio that looks out onto a delightful little pond. with two comfortable patio chairs, a patio table and all of my little pots planted.  They are a comfort to me in a new environment, with Steve coming and going so much while we are still in transition.  They are fresh and new and yet remind me of every day things that I am used to.  Each morning they give me pleasure as I notice their changes and look forward to the flowers and fruit yet to come.

I love seeing the seeds come up and grow.  Each one is a like a friend.  Every bit of growth I see them make is still always wonderful to me. I am getting ready to make salad of them, and I have actually pondered quite a bit about "what kind of salad I want".  This is usually a "no brainer", but because this is my own  little patio container garden,  (rather than grocery store vegetables), I am feeling a great sense of care about how I will enjoy.  I believe  that our Heavenly Father looks down on us the same way.  We are very special to Him, because we are His. He takes time to look upon us and see how we are. He has pleasure in seeing us grow and flourish even in small surroundings, and He has delight in the fruit we will produce, that fruit will be very special, because it is from His own garden. 

Sadly, we don't always remember that we are His own special planting in His own special garden. Sometimes in our every day living of life, we struggle with contentment in who we are and how we've been planted.  We look around and see the apparent success, togetherness, abilities and focus that other people seem to have, and think we are lagging behind, or not quite good enough. 

Each one of us is a very special creation of God, our purpose or calling may be simple or profound, but we each fill a place that no other person in the whole world can fill.  God has given each of us something unique that makes us who we are.  I have sometimes just read a little bit about a person's life, and gained a sweet measure of joy or encouragement just from knowing about them. 

Remember the movie "Its a wonderful Life"?  My favorite line from that movie is spoken by Clarence the Angel to George Bailey.  It is what he tells George after George has just received the answer to his  wish that He had never been born: “Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?”  
I have learned that finding contentment with myself is accomplished by trusting God that I am  "enough", because I am His creation.  It is not to say that I am complete without Him, only that He is good and He created me. It only takes one little tiny seed to grow a huge tree.  That tiny seed is enough.  If you plant a hundred tiny seeds very close together because you are trying to grow a huge tree, and you are afraid that one tiny seed isn't enough,  you will make a handicap for that little tree to grow big.  There will be no room for it.  Trust God, believe His love.  He creates what is good.  We will grow, and we will become what we ought, if we remain in Him, and abide in His love.  

Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.


  1. Dear Pam, What a sweet analogy as we really are all very precious seeds and if any one of us were missing there would be a terrible hole!
    Learning to content is a full time occupation for me. Some days it is just easier than others. But when I am in transition it always seems a bit more of a struggle. You think I would get used to being a square peg, and we all know how well that fits LOL
    Hugs to a sweet precious flower, that always puts out a sweet smelling fragrance!
    Yours, Roxy

  2. I think I will have to keep this post tucked away for me to remember when I feel like life is not moving in the direction I want or expect it to. You have such good words Mom! I do love your quote from It's A Wonderful life.

    Love you
    ~ Marie

  3. You are a sweet know that? I am thankful that I can call you friend. How precious it is to belong to our loving Heavenly Father. Hugs to you! Camille XO

  4. What sweet thoughts. I loved them. I love your garden too! One day I will have a nice garden that doesn't look like I am torturing it to death :-p haha!

    Hoping you all get settled soon and the "transitioning" part of life is over making way for a new life there.

    {hugs} ~Cinnamon
