
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Home Style Teaching and Homegrown Kids

This week, my grandchildren all had their first day of Home School.  My two daughters and daughter-in-law officially started the same journey that I began thirty years ago.  They have started the second generation of Homeschooling in our family. I dug out and dusted off all of the books that I had acquired many years ago.  I decided to send a "Happy School Year" package out for each of them, with some of these goodies. I am thinking; Perhaps one of "these" will be a treasure they might want to read.  In this generation, with the almost universal presence of internet and google , there is enormous access to so much more information than we ever had (even 15 years ago), so we don't always find ourselves as interested in all the books that we used to hoard, yet I believe there is still great value in these old books, so off they go into boxes to be mailed out today.

Memories of those years came pouring in as I was going through my old books. I have missed those days very much. They are where so many of my happiest memories have come from. As a mother, I found great fulfillment in "sharing life with" and "teaching" my children. I enjoyed the fullness of having them around me, exploring all of God's amazing creation with them, and marveling as they learned to read, write, and express what they have learned.

I started Homeschooling because of the book "Home Style Teaching " by Raymond Moore.  I had ordered it through a book club years ago, when Nathan was probably 5 and Luke 3, and the girls barely 1. I didn't really know what it was about when I ordered it, I just liked the sound of it. Little did I know it would change the course of our lives, our children's lives and our grandchildren's lives. I was enthralled with this idea of teaching our children at home.  I had never heard of such a thing being done in modern history; but it all  made sense to me.  Steve liked it  as well, and we both agreed that this what we wanted to do.  It was never a big ordeal to us; isn't that funny… I mean this was really a radical idea in our world, at that time; but we didn't think of it like that; we just thought "Hey, lets do this". So we began the journey.  We devoured everything we could get our hands on about the subject.  We became book collectors (perhaps I should confess that I was already a book collector… but I became quite free in collecting more :) ). I gathered school supplies and art supplies, then I dove in.  I definitely had days that I thought perhaps it was all too much for me, but after a little break, I would be renewed, refreshed, and enthusiastic to keep going.  I learned to pray through homeschooling.  I needed the Lord more than I ever had through those years; and He was with us.  His grace strengthened us, blessed us, refreshed us, encouraged us and helped us.

There's no doubt in my mind that Homeschooling was/is a God inspired movement that had been revived from our History, and that we were very blessed to get to be a part of it.  I would do the same thing all over again.  On more than one occasion, our children have thanked us that they were home schooled.  I marvel that they would say how glad they were that we did it; that is one of the rewards that I have always cherished. Let me say that we are not a perfect family; Steve and I are not perfect, our children are not perfect, we are human with flaws and troubles just like anyone (thank goodness for the grace of God), but  I would like to encourage the future homeschool generations by saying that it is worth the work. The fruit of this labor is such good fruit.  And if you will plant good seed, you can expect to bear good fruit.  Here is some of the fruit you can expect to see in your children from the sacrifice that you make.

1.    Their character will be strong
2.    They will love to learn.
3.    They will be able to defend their faith.
4.    They will become good students.
5.    They will become self learners.
6.    They will be nice people.
7.    They will be polite.
8.    They will have good social skills and interact well with all age groups.
9.    They will become hard workers.
10.  They will be creative.
11.  They will be self motivated.
12.  They will be vessels of truth.
13.  They will be safe.
14.  They will be happy.
15.  They will be capable.
16.  They will be responsible.
17.  They will be respectful.
18.  They will be helpful.
19.  They will be self disciplined
20.  They will be able to think for themselves.
21.  They will be kind.
22.  They will be innovative.
23.  They will not be controlled by peer pressure.
24.  They will be problem solvers.
25.  They will be blessed.

Remember that seeds do not usually sprout over night, and plants do not produce fruit before they have grown mature enough, some seed sprouts more quickly than others, and some plants mature sooner than others, but  fruit only comes after a seed has been planted, nourished and watered…. then God gives the increase in the right time.

Many Blessings to you all as Fall begins.  Enjoy the moments, and don't be driven by stress, or the expectations of others.  Remember that "His" yoke is easy and His burden is light.  Let your work be in rest…. His rest. 


  1. Hello Pam, This was such a heartfelt post! I loved the last photo of the books, what happy memories we all have of those days! I have never regretting homeschooling...
    Please send me that photo if you ever find time :o)
    I know longer own one single book on homeschooling, I gave them all away BOO-HOO
    Great post...
    Hugs, Roxy

    1. Thank you Rox, We really have had such wonderful memories and I am loving that our children are repeating some of those wonderful events in their lives and are making their own memories.
      If you would like to use the photo of the books, go ahead and help yourself. You can just take and put it on your desk top. XOXO

  2. Oh my I had forgotten about the books from Raymond Moore, I also had read all of his books when we started our home schooling journey years ago. I loved having our children at home and so many memories. Excited to be home schooling our oldest grandsons this year for his senior year.

    It is exciting to have your grandchildren starting their home schooling journey this year, what a blessing. They will be able to draw from your knowledge and experience. Love that you are sending some of your books off to them. Can never have to many books!!


    1. Cheryl, I love that your are homeschooling your oldest grandson… that is wonderful…. and I love that we share a similar journey in raising our families. Yes, Raymond Moores books were treasures. Have a wonderful week.
      Blessings, Pam

  3. Just what I wanted to read today!!! Thank you sweet Pam! I was homeschooled too and could not have imagined it any other way with our children. Oh I know that we are not perfect and we know that our children are not either but we do know that His mercies are new every morning and for that we are thankful! :)

    1. NIkki, how wonderful that you are a second generation homeschooler yourself. Your parents are the early pioneers in the homeschool movement. May you continue on with great strength and encouragement and joy.
      Many blessings,

  4. Pam - I love your books!! And your outlook on schooling.!

    As school begins here for us, your words are timely, "enjoy the moments" and "don't stress"...I still need to be reminded of those things. 21 yrs of schooling for us. Can that really be? Seems impossible but they are filled with wonderful memories.


    1. Thanks Cinnamon,
      I can picture your cozy school, very much like ours used to be. I can imagine the wonderful memories you have made over the years. The time goes fast doesn't it.

  5. That is so exciting!! I graduate yet another child this year and then I am down to 1 :( ugh it goes by so fast ~Loved your book choices ~Heather
