
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gorgeous Guy Turns 50

The love of my life turns 50 today.   Its hard to believe how quickly the years can go by.  We've been married over 30 years now.  How could that have happened?  We're just getting started right?  I think I am just now figuring out how to raise a family....but wait, they are almost all gone.... and as for marriage lets see it has taken us at least 29 years to understand that men are different from women and that is really a great thing Ha.  

My Guy is as gorgeous as ever. Like a good wine, he gets better with age.... and he started out pretty great so that's saying a lot.  It is indeed wonderful to grow old (older) with someone.  If you work through the difficulties of life together and allow love to come out on top, you are so greatly rewarded.  Friendship is more precious than romance, but romance need not diminish, merely soften and relax.

 I am thankful for you Steve, you are an amazing man. I am excited for the delightful years still yet to come.  Happy Birthday to my "Best Friend" and "Cherished Love".

Grow old along with me!  The best is yet to be,
the last of life for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith "A whole I planned, youth shows but half;
trust God: See all nor be afraid!"
Robert Browning


  1. Happy Birthday Dad! I loved what you said Mom :)

  2. Aww, luvin' it. What a blessing to have a love that lasts....You and I both have been blessed with good guys, I reckon. Hope you had a good day, and that you have many more years of treasuring each other ahead of you
    Love, Anne x
