
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Scrapbook Board

Well, I have just spent about 4 hours messing with my blog; trying to give it a face lift and I don't think I like the changes that much, but am too tired to work on it any more tonight.   I will just have to rearrange it again later.  Here is my project for the week.   I took the poster board project that I did for Olga's graduation and began to put it into a scrapbook.  I created the memory  board to display her pictures at her graduation party.  When I put it together, I put all the pictures on scrapbook pages in such a way that I could put them right into a scrapbook when we were all done with the party. It is not perhaps a work of art (I am not the Scrapbook Queen) but was a fun project to put together.  I wish  I had done Russell's board like this, it would have made it easier to put together in the scrapbook afterwards.


  1. I love the pictures of the posters Mom :) And what a brilliant idea to make them for a very special scrap book!

    I understand about staying up late and trying to figure something out on blogger! Your change is fun and summery though, I like it! :)

  2. Your changes are bright and summery! Can I put a spanner in the works???....(hiding behind the parapet!) ... The big family photos you have (they're still here but smaller) are some of the loveliest photos I've ever seen. I loved opening your blog and seeing that photo across the top. So.....don't want to discourage you, but I reckon you should give a prominent place to some of these photos. It's a compliment. Honest!

  3. Thanks, Elizabeth and Anne, I always love your encouraging comments. It helps to hear that the blog looks bright and summery. I appreciate your thoughts Anne, because I wavered at the idea of changing the top picture. I was thinking people may be tired of it. (its nice to know you liked it). I may figure on putting it back, with a change to fit the different blog format I'm still mulling it over in my mind; Son Nathan took the photo, and am hoping for a new one by him of all the family present in August. There you have it all the crazy thoughts. Love the suggestions though... I should have had you both on line the other night when I was trying to figure out what I was dong. :)

  4. Such a lovely color Mom! It feels very summerish:)

    I also loved seeing Olga's picture boards. Makes me happy that I can see some of Olga's fun on her graduation day.

    ~ Marie

  5. I whole-heatedly agree, it's a fabulous idea to save that special board!
    The blogging thing is fun, but the background and set up??? Erg!
    So so glad to see you posting again!!! :-)
