
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Off to a Painting Workshop

I am getting ready to leave for Denver for a painting work shop by Arletta Peche that I have been looking forward to this last month.  I will be staying at the home of the brother and sister in law of my friend Kitty.  She and I and a few others paint together every week at our friend and teacher Bettie's house. Kitty and I will be driving up to Denver together.  Looks like fun and great opportunity.  Can't wait.  Hope you all have a wonderful week.  Keep your hand in the hand of Jesus. Through Him we can over come all things.
Love you all,


  1. How fun Mom! When are you going? Makes me happy to think of you soaking up what you love :) Missing you......

  2. Good for you, Pam. I hope you have a great time. I must say I envy artistic talent....I'm afraid it's not something I've been blessed with...not even a smidgen of it!
    Enjoy! I look forward to reading your posts about it
    Love, Anne x

  3. Oh, I am glad you are going, such good experience and exposure but my selfish side is coming out! I want you at home so you can talk to me LOL!!

    MISSING you BUNCHES already :(

    ~ Marie

  4. Pam, May you be blessed with fresh and new inspiration. I pray for the Lord to give me a creative heart to cook and to decorate or whatever is at task. Love the lamp shade! Your a treasure sister.
    Love Roxy

  5. Miss Pam,
    You have a beautiful heart! I LOVE to think about you sitting and painting with a bunch of other ladies.
    Miss Roxy is right, you are a treasure.
    Keeping my hand in the hand of Jesus.
    Love you!
