
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mom's Birthday, a Michael Martin Murphy Concert, Olga goes to College, and Happy Company

Its interesting that when you start blogging,  you enjoy a whole different aspect of fellowship and I find that I miss you all when I'm away.  I don't feel that way about facebook;  facebook and I just can't seem to bond, I'm not completely sure why;  it isn't that I don;t like facebook people; most of my loved ones are on facebook, its just something about the facebook world that I cannot get used to or enjoy.  But blogging is different for me....  So where was I.... after I got back from the art workshop, so much has been happening that I haven't been able to get to blogging except for a little update that I started; here it is:
"Am still trying to get on track before company comes and Olga leaves on Monday;  I'm a little behind as has been my usual moan for this summer; but time always seems to right itself doesn't it?   My oldest boy Nathan and his wife and two precious little ones arrive sometime late Friday night or into the wee hours Saturday morning (depending on when he finally gets off of work); Can't wait for that... am counting the hours...working on making everything clean and cozy.  In the meantime, Olga is going off to College three days later, so we are working on getting her ready to go as well.  Steve will drive her up to Wyoming and get her settled in (by the way, she returned from Sweden on Sunday night after a successful trip and tournament.  Her team lasted through to the last quarter and placed eighth in their division; pretty good considering the hundreds of teams that were there.  She met some wonderful people and all in all it was a great experience for her)."

So with that written, I never got any farther, and here I am squeezing in a post due to  a little unexpected quiet time that has been thrown in unplanned because my precious grandbabies are feeling a little under the weather, and my daughter in law isn't feeling too shiny the days plans have been changed and all are resting, and I am updating.

Friday July 30th: My Mom celebrated her 75th birthday; "Happy Birthday Mom.  I wish we could be there with you, we miss you!"

 On the same day we went with family and friends up into the mountains by train to enjoy a wonderful cowboy concert by Michael Martin Murphy and band.  What a great day that was.  We had hoped we could bring Nathan and Himilce and Elon and Asher with us on that trip, but Nathan couldn't get away from work soon enough to fit it in.  Michael and family have become friends of ours in recent months due to the fact that they are living next door in our little cottage (where mom used to live) for  a short period, as they finalize their move in this area.   They are a wonderful family and it has been a pleasure to get to know them.  When Steve and I were dating (way back in our high school days), the song "Wildfire" was a hit on the radio, and we both loved that song; it was another little bond that we found in each other.  Since that time, we enjoyed Michaels music, and had a couple of his CDs, and now here we are with this chance to get to know him.  It has been a sweet blessing.

Saturday, July 31: Nathan and Himilce and precious babies arrived  after a difficult drive and a sick little Asher.  Nathan left on a camping trip that afternoon, to continue plans for  a movie that he has been working on this last year.

Sunday, August 1:  Church with family, last minute details for Olga's trip.

Monday, August 2:  After several days of chaos, Steve and Olga leave for College.  Whewie... it sounds simple, but I am sure tired and so is Steve. Nathan returns from his trip, Jeremy and Chrystal come for dinner.

Tuesday, Wednesday:  Lots of happy time together.

Thursday:  Elon, Asher and Himilce sick.  Excursions to Springs and Denver cancelled.  Stay tuned for adorable pictures of grandchildren and children soon to be posted.

Train and Concert Adventure
We took the train 

We saw this guy along the way 

Michael Martin Murphy

From left to right: Me, Mama Jo, Steve, Michael, Melissa, Olga, Samantha and Eddie (beneath Steve)

Steve and Michael 


  1. Oooh you're back! You hit the nail on the head with the difference with blogs and FB. I'm debating dumping FB, but with my blog friends..... well, I was missing you so much I left a message on Marie's blog this morning to see where you were!! Isn't that strange - I was really missing you. Maybe I need to get out more!
    Anyway, glad you're back; glad Olga got on well and enjoyed herself. Blessings to her for her college start.
    Love, Anne x

  2. What a delightful update! :) It was so nice being able to talk to Dad yesterday and to catch up a little. I am sad that the kids and Himilce are sick :(

    I cant wait to see some pictures!!! Please take TONS!!! And I just loved the pictures of the concert and the bear! Ha!! You look so pretty!!

    We are leaving tonight for NC, but Marie will not be joining us. Its just to much for the little guy. So hopefully you two can catch up ;)

    I love you Mom!

  3. I'm so glad you are back!!! I've missed hearing about you guys.
    Your Steve got me so interested in cowboy music, now we own everything by "Sons of the San joaquin".
    Sorry your company is sick though, BLEH, at least they are with you and can be taken care of.
    Love you guys!!!

  4. Just wanted to 'introduce' myself. I'm a new follower via your daughter Elizabeth's blog. Your cowboy concert sounds great!


  5. I was blogging today and came across your post..through striving to serve at home. It was delightful to stop by and visit.
    Blessings to you,

  6. What a delight to see/hear from all of you. Anne, I can't wait to get over onto your blog and see what you have been up to. I didn't even get a chance to do that yet today; I feel a little flat when I don't get a chance to check in. Elizabeth, I can't wait to hear all about your week with John and Marie and the babies. Love you and miss you so much.

    Danielle, loved your comment, I should have mentioned in my post, that the "little cottage" the Murphy's are renting is the very house that your family used to own. As a matter of fact, as we were getting the house ready, we found a picture of someone that was very familiar. Realized it was a picture of your Dad when he was little. It will make a nice excuse to pop over to your Mom and Dad's and say hello.

    Kirsteen and Angelina what fun to have you for a visit. Thanks for the comments, and would be delighted to have you come back.
    Many blessings to all,
    Love Pam

  7. Pam, Hey girl so sorry about the kids feeling sick. Miss you all so much wish I could of heard Wildfire LIVE!! Great pictures
    Love Roxy

  8. Mom,
    Such a delightful update of your busy couple of weeks.
    Such lovely memories. It brought tears to my eyes knowing how you and dad fell in love in high school and discovering that you both loved the same music and how the Wild Fire song is really your song, and now seeing a picture of dad and Murph together is so amazing. God's love is so beautiful :)

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