
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sweet Reflections

Its been a quiet day. By quiet, I mean we are down to three of us instead of the usual fluctuations of 4 and many.  I got my house tidied up, a batch of enchiladas made, a  couple of loads of laundry done and a nice, long, delightful visit on the phone with  Marie.  A little more than I usually do on a Sunday afternoon, but these are the things I like to do to ease over the "something is missing, flat feeling" I have whenever my children and grandchildren go home.  We said goodbye to Nathan and Himilce and sweet grandbabies yesterday evening. It is always hard to see the kids go.   Thought I would post the highlights of our visit this week, which was undoubtedly the picnic and fishing expedition we took yesterday  before the kids all left.  We rented a little paddle boat, and got a little "rod" for Elon; and wouldn't you know in the first 15 minutes, he caught his first fish.  What a great time. As the saying goes  "a picture is worth a thousand words"; so here's those adorable pictures I promised.  Miss you all so much, Nathan, Himilce and precious babies.

 Little Hobbit and The Great Fisherman

Little Hobbit suggests second breakfast

Or perhaps Grammy has brought along "elevensies" 

I know its after 1:00, but we haven't had "elevensies yet

Daddy and Elon will fish for afternoon tea instead.

This is how you cast

Okay Daddy, I think I got this thing figgerred out

I must be very patient

I must be very quiet

What was that?

I think I felt something bite the line.

I think I gotta fish.

Yay afternoon tea is saved.

Isn't that a beautiful fish Daddy?

That's a great looking fish "Little buddy"

I bet he weighs a lots

He's kinda scaring me the way he's wigglin around

Maybe you better take 'im Daddy

Nothing to be afraid of little buddy.  See how soft he is.

How long till tea?

You say its okay to eat now?

Psalm 103:17
But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children


  1. Gorgeous photos! Fabulous comments! Aren't these 'wee guys' such a treasure. And no wonder you're all missing them terribly....:-(
    Love, Anne x

  2. What delicious pictures Mom!! And the commentary was so cute!!! The boys are so big! Elon is such a big little boy if that makes sense. And Ahser! He is adorable. I am hoping this is just a taste of the photos you plan on posting! :)

    I can't wait for our over the phone catch up!

    I love you so much!


  3. These pics were GREAT!!! LOVE the commentary, like being there with you!!! Oh wouldn't that be TOO MUCH FUN???? Won't heaven be wonderful?
    You are such a wonderful mom and Grammy, I LOVE it that you miss them and then cook. ;-) I would LOVE your enchilada recipe!
    Love you! Thank you for sharing your day with us!

  4. What a lovely post and what lovely photos too!

  5. What a special day...and isn't the Lord just so sweet and how He delights in His children...He directed a fish right to Elon's pole and told that fish he better stay on that hook...:) I want to bring a smile to one very special little boy and touch the heart of his father....and of course Grandmother..Many Blessings to you and yours.
    In Christ

  6. Oh my goodness mom, I just LOVED reading this and rereading this. Little Asher is such a cutie pie!! I loved his expressions and your commentary to the whole story, like a children's book :) Elon is so so precious, just eating up his fishing time with daddy!!!!

    ~ Marie

    Oh, I loved what Pioneer Beauty said and I so agree with her :)

  7. Pam,

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! It's great to hop over here, and I'm especially glad to see pics of Himilce's family. I miss it when she doesn't post very often. ;-) I can hardly believe how big Asher is. When I saw the first picture, I thought for a split second that it was Elon. Whew...time flies.

    Reading about how you miss your family as they leave after a visit is a good reminder for me to cherish these years when my own children are all at home. I can hardly imagine being in your shoes, but I hope I have as much grace as you do when I get there!

  8. Thanks for the comments Anne. Love em. Danielle, I have to agree with you, heaven will be glorious. As I have gotten older, my picture of heaven has gotten clearer and I long for that day that we will be in the presence of our sweet Jesus our Heavenly Father, our precious Holy Spirit, and our dear loved ones all in that glorious place. Angelina, I loved the thought of
    the Lord directing that fish;even prayed for it. I always pray for those little blessings for my children and grandchildren, because in a way, those are really the big things aren't they. Thanks for the sweet comments. Also delightful to hear from you Kirsteen and Davene. Also love hearing from my sweet girls. Love ya lots.

  9. Pam, how amazing, I love the commentary!!! How big the boys are getting is breath taking.
