
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Naan Bread

While Nathan and Himilce were here, Himilce wanted to fix us "Naan Bread".  Then the babies got sick, and after that Himilce got sick, shortly after that I didn't feel too shiny, and shortly after that, it was Steve's turn.  So instead of giving up on the venture, we decided to do it together as we all felt a bit better and the making of it became a family affair.  Himilce got a hold of the recipe (she found one on the internet very like the one she had made at home).  I mixed up the dough.  Nathan cut up veggies and rolled out the dough; Steve cooked the bread, Nathan put the final meal together, and we all enjoyed. Mmmmm good.  This was a recipe I am real excited to try again ( I might even try with whole wheat flour and see if can be done that way).  It is somewhat like "Pita bread", and this flat bread is almost worth getting fat for :)  It was soooo good.  Nathan topped it with pesto, fresh veggies and feta cheese and popped it in the oven like pizza.  For Eddie we topped it with tomato sauce and mozzarella, because feta cheese and pesto aren't on his  list of favorites; that tasted pretty good too. You  could also put meat such as lamb, chicken or beef in it with fresh veggies and a cucumber yogurt sauce and you would have a fabulous "Gyros" sandwich; that is what I am going to try next with it.

Mix your dough adding flour until dough is no longer sticky, knead and let rise until double.

Pinch off 2 to 3 inch balls and roll about 1/4 inch thick

Lightly oil or butter each piece or work with a well seasoned pan that requires very little oil, and grill on medium hi heat.

When bubbles have formed, flip bread.

Lightly brown the bubbles on bottom side.

Make a nice pile.

Top with favorite toppings.
Bake in oven till cheese is melted or veggies are slightly cooked and hot.

Mmmm Mmm good.

Naan Bread Dough

Stir together and let stand for 5 minutes until bubbly

1/2 cup warm water
2 tsp yeast
1 tsp sugar

Add, Mix and Knead

2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup oil
1/3 cup yogurt
1 egg
1 or 2 cloves garlic crushed or minced (or garlic powder to taste) - optional

Knead together, adding more flour until dough no longer sticks to sides of bowl.  Place in well oiled  bowl and cover with a cloth.   Let rise until double (at least an hour).
Pinch off golf ball sized portions of dough.  Roll into balls, then roll out on floured surface to about 1/4 inch thickness.  (you can grease, stack and cover at this point until all are ready to cook). Brush both sides lightly with butter (if you haven't already done this when you were done rolling them out) on hot griddle (Medium high heat is what we used), you might have to play with it, but it must be hot to start with.  Flip when bubbled up.  Cook other side until bubbles are browned.  
This makes  only about six, so we doubled the recipe.



  1. Ooooh I think it is worth getting fat over mom!!! It looks so yummy. It sounds so cozy picturing all of you in the kitchen making it together. I love it when Nathan and Himilce cook, they both have such wonderful ideas!!!

    Love you
    ~ Marie

  2. Ditto what Marie said Mom! The bread in the pictures looks mouth-watering amazing!! The whole story makes me quite home sick. Sick or healthy, rain or shine I miss you all!!!

    Talk to you soon! LOVE YOU!


  3. P.S.
    I forgot to tell you that I love the new background! And when I saw that you had posted I clicked over RIGHT AWAY! :) Can't wait to catch up!

  4. This looks and sounds like a wonderful night!
    How fun to cook together and make a family night out of it!
    I dream about our little brood coming home to roost for a short time with their little ones. . .
    Your posts are like a little vacation for my heart!

  5. I love the new look of you blog. It’s so country looking it’s so fits you. The meal you all made look so good. I do believe I will have to try this one. Miss you all
    Lot Of Love Ashley

  6. Pam, glad you could still read my chicken scratch recipe! I actually liked this one better than the one that I made at home. Matter of fact, I am making it tonight! I have pics of Elon making naan so I may post some on my blog soon too. Glad you are all feeling better and loved the pics in the previous post of Elon and Asher-- the captions make them come alive :)

  7. Pam, the bread looks so delicious and beautiful! I am inspired to cook, which is something I have not done lately.

    Your blog also looks very beautiful. I love all the pics of your family. God has greatly blessed you, friend.

    Much love,

