
Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Seasons

Sunflowers bloom profusely,  choke cherries turn to black, the wild plums turn to red,  the evening, slightly cooler, seems to capture the sounds of crickets  as they sing, louder to my ears than I have noticed throughout the summer.  The sunlight has softened during the day; the sun is changing its position  once again, and the feeling of fall is upon us.  I love fall.  I think it is my favorite time of year.  Peacefulness always seems to rest upon me this time of year, more so than any other time.  Perhaps it is that children that are running free happy and wild all summer, have gone back to school, and the chaos of summer has quieted down.  It is indeed one of my very favorite memories from when the big kids were all home safe with me, and we were beginning our school year.  Nothing better.  I miss those days very much.  I  capture little bits of the feeling of those days when I find my self repeating some of the happy rituals with Russell, Olga or  Eddie that we all used to do;  Picking green chilis,  picking apples, going out to the farms, and loading up on veggies, canning jam and jelly, making bread, making green chili and salsa, peeling and slicing apples to dry, bringing in the last of the garden's pickings, and making relish, pickles and zucchini bread, Steve and the boys stacking firewood; all are part of happy fall activities that have managed to continue each year, melting together two batches of children, and helping them feel like one.

And now, a peacefulness that I have not felt  in a long time has gently alighted in our home, and   I am liking it.  Suddenly there is not soooo much to do.  I feel as if I have accomplished a great feat in having raised a 6th child, and am now down to one.  Are we ever done?  Not really, but still, there is a satisfactory feeling that comes to me now knowing little chicks 5 and 6 can fly.  I am feeling like I am getting there.  Let me take a breather... I am regrouping,  planning my week.  Shall I sit in bed all day and read my bible and pray and not change from my jammies? No, maybe not, Oh, but it sounds really lovely.   I suppose I better just get on with my routine.. I will enjoy my time with the Lord in the mornings, and get my household back in order (I am actually feeling as if it is about in order now). I will definitely get back to my 52 weeks of projects. What? Did I say 52 weeks of projects?  No it must have been a typo.  I must have meant 42  weeks.   Perhaps I can keep my momentum this time.  Enjoy the Season dearies, it is a delightful one.  Sometimes we struggle and wrestle through life for so long that we form the habit of thinking life is always going to be a certain way  and we miss the new thing the Lord is doing in our lives.  A new season has come, don't miss its joys and blessings.
Love you all.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:

Isaiah 43:19
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.


  1. I love reading your thoughts Mom. You express yourself so well I feel like I am with you or on the phone! I just love your posts Mom, I devour them. :P

    I say, stay in your jammies a little longer ;) Dad would agree!

    I love you so much!

    ~ Elizabeth

  2. I could just drink in your encouragement mom :) I have been getting the itch for fall and all the fun activities that follow it. It has been hard to be the leader of those activities, you have always been the one who encouraged and inspired me so much that it didn't require any effort what so ever, now that I am far away from you I must discover my own way and try to make it cozy and rememberable like you always do. Yes I rather go back to those old seasons but I agree that the Lord is certainly doing a new thing and I will find I will miss it years from now when this season changes. LOVING you so much. Thanks so much for being such a remarkable encourager and my inspiration to me, I look at you as my standard for my life.
    I LOVE you so much and I miss you more and more each day.
    ~ Marie

  3. Miss Pam~
    What beautiful words from your sweet girls!
    I almost feel as though I am clumsily falling into a family moment.
    But I know that I can feel like family with you, you make everyone feel so welcome and loved.
    This was a WONDERFUL post!!! The smells of fall was what I heard you describing, I CAN'T WAIT!!! LOVE this time of year, and I feel like we are entering a new season in our life here too. I am sad to be a bird loosed from the safety of the nest and home, but excited to fly here with our own brood.
    LOVE YOU, and thank you for the encouragement!

  4. Oh sweet girls, you have no idea what your comments
    mean to me. I savour them more than any meal. You are all three precious and delightful. I see the treasure
    that you all hold with in you and it is your sweet precious hearts. Your families are blessed to have you.
    As I know that I am.
    Love you,

  5. Dearest Pam,
    What an endearing post. And it can't help but cause one to breathe, relax and enjoy the Season that the Lord has one in. Praise the Lord for His eternal season that we will one day all partake in..and Know and be known..
    In Christ

  6. Pam reading your post made me catch my breathe. I am filled with memories of our families activities and all that my mom did to make each season so memorable. Fall being my favorite.
    The last of your thoughts touched me so for I was falling into to thinking life is only the struggle and wrestling with those thoughts. Thank you for lifting me out. Love you Pam

  7. Beautiful. Just beautiful.

    I'll take your final words to heart as I go about my day, and I'll REJOICE in it!

    Thank you!!
