
Monday, October 18, 2010

Garage Sale Treasures and Reorganizing

I guess I was not able to keep that momentum last week as I thought I would.   Sometimes there are so many things going on I can't keep up with my blogging.  I did, however, blog many times in my mind, because I was thinking of you  girls while I was partaking in all the busyness of life.  And that is a nice thing said about blogging,  it facilitates the delight of sharing life with your friends.  Have you ever cleaned your house spick and span and had great satisfaction in its wonderful cleanness, but then there was not a soul coming by to see it (young children and hubby do appreciate these things of course, but I don't know....they don't seem to rouse up the enthusiasm that you feel for all that you have accomplished, but girlfriends and grown daughters seem to share your enthusiasm for these things, and that is why I like to post about them, and read about yours.)  Most of the time, my visitors pop over when the house is a mess, and well, you know what I mean, you just wish they could have seen the place the day before or the day after... well, I guess we shouldn't waste too much time on the vanity of these things, never the less, I am going to get show you the pleasure of the "before and after" of my little craft room reorganization.  I always like how Danielle (  ) does her "before and afters".  It builds up my enthusiasm to do likewise.

I thought  I would also share some of the wonderful treasures I was able to find at the 2nd best garage sale in my life (the first one goes down in family history for the most "amazing garage sale ever",  and is where we got many of our pieces of furniture and antique odds and ends years ago. We had been in need of some bookshelves and several other things.  Back in those days, there was no "Craig's List" or internet, so a great garage sale was the thing you hoped for.  There were some older neighbors a few houses down from us who were moving and wanted to get rid of everything and who didn't really care about the prices they got.  Steve and both felt like we hit the jackpot on that one.  This recent garage sale was a little like that except the specialty items were yarn and craft items.   I was able to get oodles of very good and expensive yarn very, very cheap, as well as many other craft items, canning jars and other pretties.  Thanks for letting me share with you.   Those things wouldn't be nearly so fun if I didn't have someone to share them with.  I was able to get enough yarn for myself and the other knitters and crocheters in the family (namely Marie and Elizabeth), to last us through many babies.

Last week, we got our Green Chilis and a few other things from the farms.  So between that and the apples, we have been busy putting up food, as well as a little trip to Wyoming, to watch Olga in a soccer game, after which she was able to come down for an over night visit with some of her team mates.  It was fast and furious week, but great fun.
Blessings to all,

A mess in need of a clean up.  I pulled the closet doors off, and realigned the little shelf I had put in there to place things on.


Garage Sale Treasures

"Warning!" Kitty coming up!

What's a ball of yarn without a kitty?

Hand knitted and felted purses

 Lovely shawl



  1. How lovely. I know exactly what you are talking about with the tidy house!

    I am trying not to be jealous of the fact that you have a room dedicated to crafting! On the other hand, perhaps if I had one of them, the boys would never see me!

  2. Oh MY GOODNESS MOM!!! I just loved going through these yummy pictures, I have looked through these pics several times and even enlarging them so I can get a very close up view!!!
    I just love your cozy craft room! WOW! It is exactly what I have been craving in organization over here! Sho excited to get my hands on that gorgeous yarn. And the Kitty warning made me laugh so hard!!


  3. Pam, you are just something else. How unbelievably thoughtful....a WARNING!! Just for me! Thank you so much. And to all you other blog-readers...well, you'll just have to put up with it. It was for me! And I feel special because of it! Mwah.

    Now to the craft room. Gorgeous! And the baskets. I was just thinking of baskets today and wondering if our local charity shop might have some. They are so lovely, and here they are on your blog. Just a picture.

    Such a lovely post (especially so because I was able to close my eyes at just the right moment!)
    Love Anne x

  4. Dear sweet Miss Pam~

    What a great post! I think I probably open EVERY comment that way. I can't help it, it was "lovely"!!! (to quote my favorite crafty home-school mom and her adorable daughters!)
    Thank you for your sweet mention. :-D I do LOVE a good before and after, and you are TOTALLY right. Blogging is the perfect way to bring friends in. Your blogs always welcome me in, hold me close, and let me just breethe in the feeling of home.
    As for the craft room, OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Well done!!! What a change! I could lock myself in with a sweet friend or 3 ;-) and a pot of hot tea.
    Thank you, thank you for sharing!

    With much love and respect as always

  5. What a DELICIOUS POST!!! Its home!!! These pictures are calling out to me! That shelf of delicious books are calling out to me! To sit in that cozy couch and pet the cat as we talk and talk and hope that there are no interruptions to break up our flow of enjoyment! SO SO SO DELIGHTFUL MOM!

  6. What a beautiful and cosy room, I'd just love to curl up in there! I love the purses too, they are so pretty.

    Loving before and after pictures, they are inspirational xx

  7. My first time to visit your beautiful blog, and I love, love, love your craft room! Someday my laundry room will have an area for crafting, your pictures give me inspiration.

    What lovely finds at the garage sale, I do LOVE a GOOD garage sale as well. They are few and far between these days.

    So glad to have found your delightful blog!

  8. Kirsteen, I know what you mean about having the craft room, it is even still one of my life goals, to be able to have it with built in cabinets, countertops and shelves, but how wonderful to just have the space (which comes by the way after the kids start moving out...not sure about that trade of, but still, there ought to be some compensations...LOL)

    Ha ha Anne, yes the kitty warning was just for you. I think of you now when ever I see the adorable kitties...such an odd sensation of contrasting feelings come over me.

    Now I am longing to have a cup of tea and a cozy chat with all of you girls... probably couldn't fit you in my craft room but its a nice thought.

  9. Hello Pam...

    I feel Like I have been out of the Loop Forever..Being Sick is the WORST..especially when you have a Big family and you know it's going to work it's way through...I was the last one to get it..and still am not quite over it yet..but I am looking forward to getting caught up with what you have been up to...I do believe Since I have been house can use a good dose of RE-Organizing...However I think it will still have to wait.. :( until I am 99.9% better..
    Craft Rooms are the best...If you could only see's a TEENY TINY space that looks like a BOMB went off in it.. : ) I would try to do a Before and After Picture..but I don't think I could honestly fit in there and get a picture taken.. ; )
    well off to see what else you have been doing..
    Much Love to you.
    In Christ

  10. Wow, what a beautiful workspace!!

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