
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Scripture Cards

Our warm fall weather seems  to have disappeared today. It is cold, cloudy and rainy out and almost looks like snowy weather.  Steve built us our first fire, and I am here snug with a cup of tea and my last weeks project in my midst.

I had my friends Roxy and Carol over last week for lunch, and a cozy afternoon of crafting "Scripture Cards".   I even made Kirsteen's "Chocolate Pudding Cake" and Angelina's "Angel Hair Pasta and Shrimp" recipe, as well as a yummy fall salad, roasted garlic and french bread (not all necessarily in that order, although it did cross my mind to eat the cake first).  It all turned out yummy (thanks girls for the recipes), and I wish I had gotten pictures, but not surprisingly, I got too busy "yacking" to think about pictures.  I am just now getting a chance to post this as "last week's project" and will probably post this week's project in a couple of days,  if I can keep my up momentum.

I like this simple little project, because the Lord has been stirring my heart to "Pray His Word", which is powerful  for  "petition"(I John 3:14-15,) as a "Sword" against the enemy (Ephesians 6:17) , as a cleansing of the mind (Ephesians 5:26), and healing for the body, (Proverbs 4:20-22) as well as for instruction and training (2 Timothy 3:16).  Speaking the scripture out loud as we pray, is also powerful to the stirring up of our faith, (Romans 10:17).  I have felt impressed by the Lord to Search the Scriptures for the promises and truth that He has offered in them, write down the "Word" as it applies specifically to those things which I am praying about, and pray them to the Lord in petititon to him daily. We are instructed in Ephesians 6:18 to be in prayer and petition at all times in the "Spirit", and what better way to accomplish that than with the "Sword of the Spirit".

These little cards are meant to be written and decorated, and left in various places in the house so that they may be accessible to pray through out each day.  They really did look a little cuter in my hand than they looked on the computer.  If you preferred to use your computer to type them out in a nice font and print them, then adhere them, they would probably look a little nicer, but I desired to write them all out, and meditate on them that way... unfortunately, I have never admired my own writing, so that is my problem.  never the less, do as you like.

At the beginning of last week, I felt a strong sense of wrestling with exhaustion.  It just came over me.  Steve and I both felt exhausted.  I think most of the world is feeling exhausted, at least many of the people I have talked to lately, so it seemed appropriate to begin praying for "Strength".  And it became the beginning of my project focus.

This one flaps open, and the scripture is inside.  Should have posted the picture, but I think you can use your imagination.


  1. Miss Pam~

    These are wonderful!!!!
    How did you do them?
    I LOVE to pray with the Psalms in my prayer journal. But this is a beautiful, fun way to have them on the walls of your home, or the insides of your cabinets. ;-)

  2. YAYYYY! I kept checking back to see if you had posted! I searched Hobby Lobby and couldn't find those cute luggage cards that you have. I love all the different ideas you came up with. I am going to glean from you and add to what I have started tonight. I have a nice cup of tea in front of me, Winston and Benjamin are asleep and I am basking in my scripture writing! Thank you so much Mom for the idea! Love you!!!

    Oh I loved your idea Danielle of putting the scriptures in cabinets! Yay! :)

  3. Oh, so glad you started Elizabeth, and yes, I loved Danielle's idea of putting them in the cabinets too. Danielle, These are just Card Stock (I think it is 8 x5 or close to that in size... you can find them in stacks of colors and patterns) as found in the srapbooking section of Hobby Lobby, decorated with what ever scrapbooking material you can get your hands on. I put scriptures on both sides, and then I can flip them over. Steve seems to like having them out as well, and we often pray together.

  4. Pam, I am in awe again! These are so gorgeous. I'm afraid mine would turn out nothing like as lovely as what you have here. But I want to say too that you have no idea how the Scriptures you have on here fit my need today - more than you could know. I am just going to look every one of them up and take a note of them. And - note to self: Use them! Take them to God, plead them, and draw comfort from them.
    Thank you so much
    Love, Anne x

  5. They are so beautiful, you are very talented. I would love to do something like that, just lovely. I think you are right, a lot of people seem weighed down and exhausted, I wonder why. Thanks for posting :o)
    Love Dawn x

  6. These are lovely and something I have on my long to-do list too. I have a friend whose parents were missionaries, who has these kinds of cards all around her house, even above some light switches. The more unexpected the place, the more likely you are to stop and pay attention!

    Glad the chocolate pudding turned out right.

  7. Hey Pam, thanks for the lovely lunch we had a great time. I have made a make over on my study desk to put my cards in a photo stand.
    I also made up my Apple Jack for my man from our apples.
    Your amazing my dear friend!!
    Love Roxy
