
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Week

Home again, home again jiggidy jig.  I am back home after a wonderful, wonderful visit.  I am already missing my precious girls, grandchildren and sons in law.   Sigh... It is really hard raising up your chickies and watching them all fly the coop.  I guess I never realized that they would.  Now what was I thinking?  Of course, that's what children do, but still I must have been in lala land, not figuring that out when I was younger.  I have always felt as if I tried to be a good sport about it all.... but gosh I sure miss having them close.  They are my best friends, and greatest blessing.  I just figured out that out of 7 children, all are in another State except the one who is only fourteen and still home... who would have figured?  Oh well, no sense moaning.  I praise the Lord for them, and for the delightful time I have going off to visit them; in that sense, those visits are wonderfully special and individual.  I can't quite get enough. Thank you so much girls for the wonderful, wonderful time.  You spoiled me and made me feel like a queen.   I loved it all; the garage sale adventures, the crafting and cooking, the beach, the talking and talking and talking, while drinking gallons of tea... and most of all you and those precious grandbabies.  Love you!

As you might have noticed, I am trying to give my  blog a makeover,  and have run into some problems getting an old template off so that I can work with the new template.  I started it while at Elizabeth's and couldn't solve it.... not wanting to sacrifice any more of our time together for that.  So I am officially under re-construction, and if any of you have any suggestions, please let me know.   One of my fears is that I might erase everything in the process.   I'm sure I will work it out with a little time spent, but as it is Thanksgiving week, I am running like a chicken with my head cut off to get everything done on time, so will have  to deal with it next week.

On another note, I just opened a  delightful package from Anne ( ) whose contents contained my Apron yeaaaaaa! which arrived while I was away.  She included a postcard, sweet note, and a lovely bookmark calendar of the Western Isles of Scotland.  What fun!  I love, love, love  my apron Anne.  The apron has the most adorable sheep wearing Wellington boots (Wellies),  with a  Scottish, tartan design.  It is so cute.  It reminds me of Anne's sheep (or I should say.. the Builder's big brother's sheep), and will be a reminder of my friends in Scotland.  I will be wearing it as I fix my Thanksgiving dinner this week.   I can't take a picture of it yet, because my camera is dead, and I cannot find the plug in charger for it... I am hoping I did not leave it at my Mom's when I visited her, because I haven't seen it since then, and have not been able to use my camera since the battery died.  I am sure it is around here somewhere... but if I can't find it, I will beg, or borrow one, and post it as soon as I am caught up with the Thanksgiving rush.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week everyone.
Much Love, Pam


  1. It was wonderful being with you Mom and and I am so thankful that we can connect this way too. Its so cozy to see that you updated and read all the news. Happy cooking! LOVE YOU and thank you for everything this last week!

  2. Wayhey! Glad your package arrived! And glad you're back home safe and sound, although I feel for you all being so far apart.
    Still, we're thankful for technology that allows us to speak with family often, even when they are a long way away. Love to all, Anne x

  3. Welcome back!

    Your apron from Anne sounds like just the sort I can imagine Anne sending! I think my husband's sister may have the same one (not from Anne though!)

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. Thanks for posting an update, even in the middle of a busy week!

    I wouldn't trade this time of living close to my parents for anything, but there IS something special about being apart and then having time together. I remember so much built and built and built until we were many precious memories we made...such intense feelings. Anyway... :)

    Now I'm glad that I get to see them every day! And who knows, maybe some of your chickies will come home someday, too!

    Have a very wonderful Thanksgiving!
