
Thursday, November 25, 2010


It is a delightful, quiet  moment of the day as I finish preparing for our Thanksgiving feast.  Olga and Eddie and friends are in town working on a photography project.  Steve has gone to Denver to pick up Russell at the airport.  Grandma Jo will not arrive until later this afternoon.  Russell arrives at airport by 1:30 P.M., so they will not be back here until about 5:00; which means we will be eating later than we do traditionally.  Here I sit, my meal  almost ready, and a few free hours to blog; not a usual Thanksgiving Day occurrence, but a sweet and restful occupation for me to put my feet up.  I am thankful to my Lord for His bounty and His blessings in our life.  How wonderful to have a holiday to express these things as a family.  Our Puritan Fathers and Mothers Left us a wonderful legacy and example.

Each year at Thanksgiving and Christmas, among my favorite things, are planning my food and looking at all the favorite recipes.  They are in themselves a memory of years gone by.   The recipes from my Mother, Grandmother, Mother in law and friends, are treasures in themselves, and everyone in the family has strong feelings about which ones are their favorites, and ought to be served.  I  also love pulling out my Mom's silver, and my Grandmother's dishes.  I usually set the table first thing in the morning after I get the turkey in the oven, that way I can enjoy the process of table setting, which is my favorite part of the preparations.. and serves my creative cravings for the day.  If I wait until later in the day to set the table, I am usually too tired, and loose my enthusiasm.
This year I had the delight of including my friend Anne ( ) in my memory making, by wearing the apron she sent to me.

I was the only one at home, and couldn't get a picture of myself in the apron very easily, so here it is on the mannequin. 
 Isn't it so cute with those Scottish Sheep?
The sheep in their "Wellies".

Granny Florence's dishes and Mom's silver

 Place cards to direct everyone to their seat.

Blueberry Sour Cream Pie (a recipe of a friend of mine)

Cream Peach Pie (My Mother in Law's Recipe)

Look who just arrived home

Its been quite a few months since he has had some home cooking.

 Olga and Aseel (friend from school)

I think Eddie missed Russell more than he thought he would.

 Steve with his Mom (aka Grandma Jo)

Hope  all of you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.
Many Blessings to you all.


  1. That all looks wonderful!
    I hope you had a very blessed time together.

  2. Oh Pam, what beautiful photos, and what a lovely commentary. Where do I start?! All that wonderful food - the pies you all have at Thanksgiving all look and sound so wonderful. I love that you use family silver and dishes - and what beautiful dishes they are too. The place setting look like something out of a magazine. Really, I must make more effort myself.
    I couldn't help but think of all the lovely photos - having Russell coming home and IN UNIFORM - wow! how precious!
    Glad you like the apron! What a privilege these sheep have - being part of an American Thanksgiving! Thanks so much for sharing, and hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend.
    Love, Anne x

  3. Oh - was gonna say how handsome your man looks. (Actually, I think he looks really like my man, so that would leave him kinda handsome, I reckon!)
    And his mum....looks so young... can hardly believe that's his mum. Really?? x

  4. I was just thinking the same as Anne, your husband's mother looks really young!

    Looks like you all had a wonderful day. I love your old china and silver!

  5. I'm drooling over those pies. :) And that apron from Anne? So, so cute!

    Having family together is a treasure, and I love how you incorporated the memories from the past, too, with dishes and recipes.

    Happy day after Thanksgiving!

  6. So nice reading your comments girls, they are all treasures. I love the compliments to my hubby. I love to look at his handsome face. His Mom does look young doesn't she? I am sure she would enjoy hearing it too, so I will definitely pass it along to her. I can see that my hubby looks a little your hubby Anne, just from brief shots I have seen of him in your posts. One of these days perhaps we will get a chance to visit one another, and take some full group shots. :) I certainly have enough photographers in the family to make us a
    nice photo.
    Much Love,

  7. Oh mom I so enjoyed seeing all those yummy faces. Makes me feel like I was there with you all. I just loved seeing sweet Russell eating your gorgeous food. He looked so hansom and Olga with her friend was so lovely.

    We almost had the same Thanksgiving! Planned having an early feast but that changed and we both ended up blogging during our extra time!!

    Your table setting makes me feel so at home with you. I just love those dishes and the silverware and your touch is always so inspiring to me. Your pies were making my mouth drool. I thought that it was neat you made something different this year!!! YUM YUM YUM!!!
    I love you so so so so much!!!
    Happy Day After Thanksgiving mom!!!!

    ~ Marie

    I almost forgot to comment on Anne's apron!! It is SO SO SO cute! I just love seeing the sheep in the "Wellies" LOL! What a neat apron! I now need to post mine from Tiffany, which I have been waiting impatiently to do!!!

  8. Happy late Thanksgiving Mom!!!!! I am so glad you were able to put your feet up a bit and relax! Marie put it perfectly about your place settings and pies! So pretty!!!

    SOOOOOOO NICE TO SEE RUSSELL, OLGA and EDDIE! I can't believe how big Eddie looks in this picture!

    Oh and Anne's apron is BEAUTIFUL! I liked what Anne said about the sheep in Colorado. I feel that way too! Such a nice post Mom.

    LOVE YOU!!!!
