
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Comfort Food

We are often told in magazines, by all the "experts" that we should think about our motives behind our eating and in doing so we would better be able to manage our eating.  I am inclined to agree with them... at least from my own perspective.   Food is something of an issue at our house; Steve and I were just talking about it the other day, saying "what in the world is up with all the food issues we often seem to have at our house".  Much of that conversation stems from our last 3 children, who came to us as adolescents, bringing with them pain and fear from their own heartaches,  resulting in a huge barrage of emotions that often exposed themselves through food.   It made me think about our emotional connection with food.  I know I certainly have an emotional connection  with it; especially when it comes to chocolates and sweet treats ... and I am one of those people who loves to eat when I am happy and loves to eat when I am sad.  Certainly a quality that can make me fat, and believe me I have had my own "battle  of the bulge" because of it.  But, with that said, how can you remove yourself from that emotional connection with food?  Of course we must eat to live,  nourish our bodies etc..  but I believe that we were created with the emotional connection to food.  Babies are soothed as soon as they are born with their first little portion of Mama's milk, all the great moments of our lives are celebrated with it, even the death of a loved one is mourned with it., and  in heaven, there is wonderful wedding feast being prepared for us.   For me personally, "Comfort Food" is a delightful thing to share with those I love.  It connects our hearts with good feelings and happy memories.

So yes, we do indulge in comfort food in our home, and we let it soothe hearts and comfort us when the occasion comes around;   It has been an important factor in helping our adopted children, and is an important factor in many occasions of our lives.   Having babies is certainly one of those "occasions".    I thought I would share some of the comfort foods we have been eating  here at Jon and Marie's.   I was able to help Marie put some of these meals in the freezer for future dinners, and give her a little extra help now, especially when there are two babies.  I remember the days of having more than one baby.... lots of work.  Something that "comforts" my heart, is knowing that Marie and Jon and the babies will have meals already prepared on those busy and hectic days.  I have links to most of the recipes if you want them.

Chicken Gnocchi Soup


  1. Oh keep 'em coming, Pam!
    What gorgeous photos these are too. Is that your talent or Marie's... or both? How lovely to have been with her. I hope she is well and settling with her lovely foursome now.
    I too love food. I. really. love. food. And, like you, I love it if I'm 'up'; I love it if I'm 'down'. I definitely especially love it when I'm sharing it with others.
    And now..... I'm hungry! x

  2. Oh, good, thanks for sharing this! I have some shells sitting in my cupboard that need a good recipe to go with...I had tried one that I ended up not really liking...but I'm sure I'll like this one!! :)

    Bless you for being such a big help to Marie during these days. Of course, it's not at all surprising that you are...but still, it's a huge blessing!!!

  3. Anne, I used Marie's camera (Love her camera), and with her help I took the pictures... someday I would love to have a nice camera like hers... after which, I will again need her help to get it all figured out. Love your comments girls. Hope you enjoy the recipe Davene.
    Much love

  4. Even seeing the food is comforting! And I agree, sharing it with those you love is something extra special. All the pictures look like they came right out of a magazine! I love the very first picture of the Stuffed Shells! Mmmmmm :)

    Something fills me up and satisfies me when I hear and watch you visiting and nourishing Marie, Jon and the babies. I have loved that you are there with them all. Dad is so generous sharing you like he does.

    I love you Mom!

  5. Okay, being pregnant this was not good to hear. :) I LOVE food! And you are right in so many ways...but I figure that since our days our numbered I want to enjoy each day. :) Thanks for all the recipes, I love adding new ones. We miss you, hope all is well and we pray for you too.

  6. Yum! These look so nice and the recipe sounds so simple and quick to make!

    I shouldn't be thinking about food at this time of night!
